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How many weeks are in your school year?


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That was going to be my answer also! ;)


All our weeks have learning and reading and writing in them, even our vacation weeks! But, I have a 36 week school schedule and a lighter summer schedule, but there is never really a time where we don't do SOME school.


Now, see, I don't think of doing school. I think of all we do as *learning,* and *all* of it counts. Sometimes our learning looks like workbooks, and sometimes it looks like a field trip to the tide pools, and sometimes it looks like going to the mall and having an Orange Julius and watching all the shoppers ("social studies"). But *all* of it is learning, and *all* of it counts. :-)

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If you have a 13-year-old daughter who is a sophomore in college, no one should make you feel defensive about whether you're doing a good job! GOOD GRIEF! :)


Now, that doesn't cover the extras we do that are still educational. For example, one of the reasons we can't fit more weeks of desk work into the year is because we have to work around my daughter's college schedule and make time for the assorted road trips to get her to and from school during the year. At least a couple of times during the year, I'll take my son with me and build in a field trip or two along the way. And, even when my daughter is home and we're on a break, we're likely to hit a museum exhibit or watch a documentary that I will count for school.


Can you tell I'm feeling just a bit defensive about this?




Honestly, I know perfectly well that we'll accomplish a more than reasonable amount of work in that time, but it feels so very short . . .


Back on topic... This is our first year, and at this point I'm aiming to work on school between September 8 and May 22, minus a week for spring break and a couple weeks at Christmas plus Saturday field trips here and there (the ps kids get to claim these as school days, so why can't we?). That should get us roughly 180 days.

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Instruction must be provided for a period of time "substantially equivalent" to public school, about 186 days. Kan. Stat. Ann. § 72-1111


I make sure I do 187 days. 187 / 5 days a week = 37.4


I usually go way over the date count with field trips and museum outings included.


We travel with my husband, so I always make sure we are ahead of the requirements in case need to travel.



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