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Ideas for co-op


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What can you suggest for a small group age 9-12 to do together outside in all seasons on a weekly basis. We have access to a cafe for when it is really cold/wet and can do some discussion type activities then, sitting at a table.


So far I have poetry on the list, we are going through "R is for Rhyme". I'm finding my idea of nature drawing isn't working too well because the children don't want to concentrate on doing solo activities when they have just met up with their friends! They just rush through a drawing, call it done and want to play! I'd like to take advantage of ds being able to learn in a group as he is on his own with me all the school day.

We could do a show and tell type activity where a child reads something they have written/memorised during the week but have you done anything else which worked well?

All the nature activity books I can find are for much younger children


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Originally the goal was to teach about nature in a natural setting in a group. We learnt to identify trees and birds, drew spring flowers etc. The poetry tied in to the seasons with the children listening to and writing seasonal poems. We also needed an indoor activity we could do when we needed to warm up!

At the end the children were allowed free play.


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Originally the goal was to teach about nature in a natural setting in a group. We learnt to identify trees and birds, drew spring flowers etc. The poetry tied in to the seasons with the children listening to and writing seasonal poems. We also needed an indoor activity we could do when we needed to warm up!

At the end the children were allowed free play.



I'd explain to the kids that there is a seat work/teaching portion of your time together and a free play time together. State the expectations for the kids (moms, too?) because it sounds like they are taking over the co-op! Maybe that's o.k. If it's not, it sounds like you need to set some limits/bounderies for the kids.

I have a group of girls here 1x/ wk for a horse study. They are all antsy by the time we get to drawing but I let them know I expect their best effort before we go play, eat and swim.


Have you looked at any Charolotte Mason nature study/jouraling info? There are tons of books on how to draw simple animals- incl. "Draw, Write, Now" and Jean Craighead George has a sweet series on "Life in...(and artic tundra, a prarie,etc" - each book highlights a different biosphere.

MP also has some brank new, beautifu, terrific science studies (birds, etc) for eled.

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My sons attend a small co-op, and we are planning on doing a combined nature/art/music study this year. We're planning to use the Ambleside rotation for our artists and composers. We'll do a brief study of the artist's/composer's life and find their geographical location on a map the first week, and we'll listen to their music and study their paintings over a six week period. Then, we'll switch to a different artist and composer.

For nature, we'll spend the first few weeks watching segments of Barry Stebbing's Nature Drawing & Journaling DVD. He teaches how to blend colors to make colors similar to those found in nature. Then, we'll choose a topic for each week that coincides with the time of the year from The Handbook of Nature Study, and the students will study and draw and journal about the select topic for the week.

We've decided that combining these three areas will present plenty of opportunities for field trips year round, too...the zoo, the botanical gardens, art museums, the symphony orchestra, planetarium, etc.

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Have you seen this resource:



I'm fairly certain it is appropriate for your age group. I have 2 copies here at home to use with my own children in that age range.


:iagree:I second this!

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