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No fireworks for us again this year....Is your area doing fireworks?

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I am literally laughing out loud. Loudly. Oh my gosh. This is hilarious. Can I come to Canada? I want to play duck bingo. Please let me play duck bingo. It's just been added to my bucket list. In fact, it's just been moved up to the top of my bucket list. Duck bingo. Freakin' great. (For the record. I'm still laughing. I don't know why I find this so amusing, but I do!!!)


Anyway, back to the original topic- I didn't realize some places cancelled fireworks. I wish they'd cancel them. I hate fireworks. Always have. Pictures of me as a kid on the fourth of July always include my mom holding her hands over my ears, or me holding my hands over my ears. My mom and DD will be watching fireworks together this year, as they have every year since DD was born. I've never watched them with DD. (Does that make me a horrible mother? I really hate them. :tongue_smilie:)


DD7 has sensory integration issues, and she'll be spending 4th of July (and new years) with her pink ear protectors on because otherwise she'll be in a total panic. Last year was the first year she was able to go and watch them (in FL, where they're shot out over water). She loved the colors, but I don't think she'll mind them not having them here this year. I'm SURE we'll still have idiot neighbors who do enough to make DD's nerves stand on end. Not to mention mine, because it's so dry!

Edited by dmmetler
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They had our local fireworks a couple nights ago. All went well.


On the actual Fourth, we will be at a neighbor's house on the lake (ie - it's NOT dry!) where the fireworks they set off will be legal this year!!!! MI just passed a law allowing a bunch of fireworks that have not been legal in years' past. Makes me wonder what kind of extras they'll bring in? :001_smile:

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