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Headsprout vs Click N' Read


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My younger daughter used Headsprout when it first came out and was considerably cheaper. My son has used them both, and while he *liked* Headsprout more, I don't think he really learned much from it. He wasn't able to take what he learned and apply it to other texts. I think the only thing he remembered from Headsprout was that "ee" made the /ee/ sound. I know that some people have had great success with it, but my ds needed more explicit phonics instruction.


He groans when I tell him it's time for Click N' Read, so it's not as fun or as interesting, but the phonics instruction is more explicit, and moves in small, gradual steps. There is more review also, which he needed. He does get a little frustrated with the speed drills. However, it doesn't have the appeal or the storyline that Headsprout has.


He started Headsprout as a non-reader. I think that a child who is already a beginning reader might be able to use it as a springboard more effectively than we did. For my daughter, it was a great supplement, but she was already reading and on the verge of taking off. Click N' Read worked better for my non-reader.


At the time we did it, Headsprout claimed that a child could repeat the program if they didn't do well, but there was no way to go back a few lessons without contacting them to reset it. That may have changed. It was just a bit of a hassle.


Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't pay for Headsprout. Click N' Read is a lot cheaper and more effective for my little guy. It's just not as much fun. :)


Hope this helps!

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We used Headsprout last year, and it helped my mildly dyslexic 7yo ds quite a bit. He had known his letter sounds for years, but couldn't make the leap to actually sounding words out. By the time he finished Headsprout (we did both sections) he was at least willing to TRY applying phonics rules to new words.


We moved from Headsprout to Hooked on Phonics Master Reader, and he took off then, and actually likes reading now! In retrospect, honestly, I wonder if he would have done just as well with the 'Learn to Read' HOP first, which is (I think?) a bit cheaper than the full Headsprout. But he did like Headsprout, and it did work!


Sorry, though - I don't know anything about Click N' Read!

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We bought Click N Read, but ask for a refund. It didn't teach beginning blending. It started with a sound, and then , proceeded to CVC and VC words. It didn't work for my son. He needed a more incremental method for reading.


Also, after a few lesson, it became repetitive.


I also have tried headsprout demo. It looks like it moves more slowly than CNR, e.g. it needs one lesson (30 mins ??) to teach to read the word: see. So I don't know how far it would go if you bought the complete curriculum. My guess is: it's not going to be very far.


I only saw a few lesson of headsprout, but from what I saw, there's more variation in exercises and games to teach phonics compared to CNR. But of course the price tag for headsprout is much higher than CNR.


My suggestion is: to use a phonics book and spice up with starfall.




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I have no experience with Click and Read but my girls have always enjoyed playing the first three trial lessons . I wish I could afford to get it for them because it really gets them excited about learning to read .

I know my 5yr old is playing with it right now and is having fun and doing REALLY well with it .

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We tried clicknread.com, but both DS and DD got bored with it after about 10 lessons. It was too late for me to ask for a refund, but I wish I would have. After you buy it, it's yours for life, so maybe we'll try it again sometime.


A site that they both really like is starfall.com. It's a great supplement -- we use it as a reward sometimes, if one of them finishes his or her work early. It's easy for them to navigate by themselves, too. Plus it's free!

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I just wanted to add that we absolutely love Headsprout! It has helped my dd really take off on her reading by building fluency and speed with the taught sounds (the sight word recognition drills are wonderful). It's also helped my ds learn to blend the sounds he already know from the LeapFrog DVDs. He is moving through it much more slowly than dd and takes about a week or more to do one episode (he is only 3, though and on episode 14).


So I don't know how far it would go if you bought the complete curriculum. My guess is: it's not going to be very far.





My dd is on the second level now and the printable readers include 14 pg beginning chapter books and such. It also works on subject/verb agreement, plurals, even some test taking skills such as filling in the correct "bubble" to choose an answer (by clicking on the bubble of course). Have you looked at all of the sample lessons from the website that include the ones from the 2nd half of the program?


I don't have any experience with Click 'n Read, so I'm sorry I can't give you any help there.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest SalsaChik

for those of you that didn't like click n read or are not using it anymore, can I have your account? It says on their website that you can transfer accounts for free to another user if you are dont with it. I can't afford the $60 for it this month but my little guy is itching to read and loves the trial lessons. Let me know if you'd be willing to give us your account.


here's what their site says about it.

"Home Accounts are Transferable!

When you and all of your children are completely done with the phonics program you may transfer your account to anyone you wish to give it to. They can then use the reading program for as many years as they wish to use it. There is NO additional charge to transfer."

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