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college entrance exams

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My son will be a homeschooling high school junior this next year. He is doing awesome in school taking online Honor classes, classes with me, and classes at co op. He is excelling in all of them and is getting bored with high school courses.

I was looking at dual enrolling him at the local community college and gave him a practice college entrance exam (three times) and was shocked that he bombed them, even after going over each one - he bombed the next.

Any suggestions???



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Are you talking about a practice COMPASS or THEA test or a practice SAT test?


I would get a test practice book for whatever test he will need to take for the cc (ours uses COMPASS) and have him work through it.


Also, many community colleges will have test prep classes as part of their continuing education department.


I just looked up Florida college entrance exams and thought that this might help:




Edited by AngieW in Texas
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If you are planning to enroll him for next fall, there are no more ACT or SAT exams offered before the fall enrollment period. At our local CC you can stop by and request a study packet that provides practice tests and study suggestions for the college-offered entrance exam (could be PERT, I don't remember.) You can take the college entrance exam more than once, so you may want to have your son take it and then meet with an advisor (we have a homeschool liaison) to go over the results.

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I don't know where you live in FL, but I tutor math at Tomlinson Adult Learning Center. I tutor GED students, but they have a program for students who have passed the GED and are working on the college placement test.


Any non-public school student 16 or older is allowed to attend. I suggested it to a friend a few months ago for her 17yo son who has some LDs. This is what she wrote me a few weeks later:


I just wanted to thank you sooo much for telling me about the program at Tomlinson. I took X there and they immediately gave him the TABE test. They identified where he needed work to pass a GED/CPT. They directed us to a program they hold at the downtown campus <of the CC>. X went there for 2 weeks from 8 to 1 and took the CPT this Monday. He passed with high grades!! He takes The College Experience this summer with <our favorite former homeschool mom teacher>


I asked my friend how much it cost. She told me the TABE(Test of Adult Basic Education) testing was $30. The tutoring was free. Actually, I think they charge $30 per term (3 terms per year) and the testing was free.


I would suggest looking into your school district's GED programs and see if they have something similar.


Good luck!

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