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Thoughts on Hake Grammar?


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We used Hake Grammer for the last two years. We did not use the writing lessons. It is a solid program that uses the incremental approach with lots of review (just like Saxon). It works well to get the concepts into long term memory. I used it with my son who has dyslexia and trouble with mastering and remembering language concepts. It worked well with him and he was able to remember most things from one year to the next. It may be overkill for a child who is naturally good with grammar, punctuation, etc.

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Thanks for the info, Kai. I am having a hard time finding something for my oldest dd. She is a strong writer for her age, but when it comes to the basics of grammar, she just forgets it a lot. She can write huge, descriptive sentences, but ask her which is the adjective or adverb and she tends to blank. I was looking at Hake because it seems strong in the grammar for that age, and also has the writing program. While she is a strong writer, I don't want to just push it to the side so I need something to keep her writing, too.

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He chose this over Growing with Grammar 6 (to my surprise).


We've only done one lesson, and that we did orally, but he liked it.


I chose Hake because my ds has not had much English grammar instruction (he can decline a latin noun like a fiend, though!). I think he chose it over GWG because it looks more "grown up." I think it is very comprehensive, and it seems like the continual review would truly help him retain what he is learning. He is good with grammar and languages, but I have found that the closer he gets to turning 13, it seems he looses more and more brain cells. :D


I don't know if we will use the writing portion. It looks a little beyond what he could probably do right now, unless we took it very slowly. Ds is finishing Wordsmith Apprentice right now, and then I am going to have him look at a few options, including Hake, and he and I will decide where to go next with writing.

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