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Let's Go HEAT!!!!!

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I'm not actively watching but it's on in my living room and my son is very much a Heat fan - does that count?


Absolutely! :) I wore my Miami Heat shirt all day today. I hope they win. When the Dolphins let us down we have the Heat to lift our spirits again. :p hehe

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Glad for Lebron and my man, Shane Battier. (Duke fan from back in the days where we were lucky to get an NIT bid.)


I don't understand the continued Lebron hate in some sports circles. This kid overcame huge odds to become what he has. Product of a single parent, etc. He seems to be a responsible young man and a heck of a ball player. He had a learning curve coming in and in this series has shown that he can be a leader.


Congrats to the Heat fans! Party on!

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Glad for Lebron and my man, Shane Battier. (Duke fan from back in the days where we were lucky to get an NIT bid.)


I don't understand the continued Lebron hate in some sports circles. This kid overcame huge odds to become what he has. Product of a single parent, etc. He seems to be a responsible young man and a heck of a ball player. He had a learning curve coming in and in this series has shown that he can be a leader.


Congrats to the Heat fans! Party on!


I guess they just never forgave him for leaving Ohio. Man, you should have seen the celebrations down here last night!! They were showing it on the local news. It was nuts! lol :lol: :party:

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I'm glad for the Heat. Lebron James is currently the best basketball player in the NBA (IMO) and I was pleased to know he lead a very fine Heat team to victory.


Unfortunately, we missed the game. Instead my son and I spent about 3 hours practicing basketball ourselves last night. I was wondering why the huge (and usually packed) gym was virtually empty the whole time :tongue_smilie:


I'm going to be coaching my son's youth team over the summer; our first practice is tonight. Between playing and watching other people, I'll go with playing ourselves.


Congratulations Heat.



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I'm glad for the Heat. Lebron James is currently the best basketball player in the NBA (IMO) and I was pleased to know he lead a very fine Heat team to victory.


Unfortunately, we missed the game. Instead my son and I spent about 3 hours practicing basketball ourselves last night. I was wondering why the huge (and usually packed) gym was virtually empty the whole time :tongue_smilie:


I'm going to be coaching my son's youth team over the summer; our first practice is tonight. Between playing and watching other people, I'll go with playing ourselves.


Congratulations Heat.




That's awesome Bill! Will this be your first time coaching? I wish you well. That should be a lot of fun. Too bad you missed the game. It was good. :) Now I just have to decide which store to buy my Miami Heat 2012 NBA Champions t-shirt from. :D

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That's awesome Bill! Will this be your first time coaching?


First time coaching basketball. *I* was a football player :tongue_smilie:


But I've been the assistant assistant coach for a couple seasons, and I have some ideas about both fundamentals and conditioning work that I have not seen addressed on our other teams, and have some good ideas I will happily steal.


My brother is a great basketball player who has groomed his son into a great player. ESPN just ranked my nephew one of the very top high-school players in California in the Class of 2014. He is already getting NCAA offers. The whole family is crazy for basketball.


But it will still be a bit of a stretch for me.


I wish you well. That should be a lot of fun. Too bad you missed the game. It was good. :) Now I just have to decide which store to buy my Miami Heat 2012 NBA Champions t-shirt from. :D


Thanks for the good wishes. I have my first practice all laid out. The flow looks good to me. I like motivating kids. It should be fun.


I'm sure we were the only player-coach combo n the league who missed the NBA finals, but we were in the gym for hours runnng through drills...surely that has to found for something? :D


Good luck with the T-shirt.



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First time coaching basketball. *I* was a football player :tongue_smilie:


But I've been the assistant assistant coach for a couple seasons, and I have some ideas about both fundamentals and conditioning work that I have not seen addressed on our other teams, and have some good ideas I will happily steal.


My brother is a great basketball player who has groomed his son into a great player. ESPN just ranked my nephew one of the very top high-school players in California in the Class of 2014. He is already getting NCAA offers. The whole family is crazy for basketball.


But it will still be a bit of a stretch for me.




Thanks for the good wishes. I have my first practice all laid out. The flow looks good to me. I like motivating kids. It should be fun.


I'm sure we were the only player-coach combo n the league who missed the NBA finals, but we were in the gym for hours runnng through drills...surely that has to found for something? :D


Good luck with the T-shirt.




That's so great Bill!!! I'm so happy for you and your nephew! How cool. What is his name so I can keep my eye out for him in the future? :) I'm sure you're going to have a great season and I'm sure you'll be an awesome coach. You always approach everything with thought, care and concern and I'm sure that will be reflected in everything you do with your team. :) I hope you all do well and have a lot of fun. :)


LOL Getting a t-shirt will be easy. They're selling in every store here, but I just have to decide which design I like best. :D hehe

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