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Help me sell a waterfront home (realty knowledge & FSBO advice gladly accepted)

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We are done with the house clean out for extended family, and they have asked us to try to sell it FSBO. We are going to time box the FSBO efforts, but realistically, I already have many people begging for the house. Whether they want to pay market price is another story, but there is no reason to give this away.


House is being sold as is, as a fixer upper. The buyer will have an opportunity to have the bones of a good home to renovate to their liking, and the waterfront/outdoor lifestyle that will make it a joy to own. This area of the country is *filled* with DIYers and cash buyers.


We are thinking of hiring someone to show it on a regularly schdeuled basis to allow people to come look at it. Its location will sell the property.


Where would you advertise? I know to do Craig's List, Zillow, the local paper, and street signs. What about an MLS listing? It seems that there are services that will create an MLS listing for you. Anyone know the various ins and outs and what kind of MLS listing to pay for? (Apparently there are some kinds of listings that will cue agents to steer buyers away from the house.) ???


Are there more up to date ways to list the house? I know nothing about social media and apps for smart phones, but there is probably something there that I would want to tap in to.


We know to ask people to send a copy of their pre-approval letter with an offer, but if someone pays cash, what do you ask for?


We have a real estate lawyer lined up.


What other biggies should I plan for before I open the floodgates?


Thank you so much!!

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We did the FSBO website. We did not get a lot of responses but the two we got were spam or scams, rather.

I am sure serious people surf this site too; I would try it again. There is a need to be discerning and filter people out which is usually the role the real estate agent takes when you list a place with someone.

FSBO is a little more work but you save the fees if you sell it. Depending on your knowledge (we have no experience in selling real estate) you may want an attorney look over the paperwork - hopefully this will still be less expensive than the realtor fee in your area.

Since you mentioned you have a lot of cash buyers, it may not be as complicated for you.

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If the area has a homeowners' association, or if there's a local yacht club/boating/waterskiing club, I would start by handing out fliers there or asking if the info could go on the email loop/web site. I'd also stick a sign out in front. Properties in areas such as you describe are often sold to friends and family of current property owners. Take fliers to all the neighbors.


I guess I don't know the part about why you don't want to handle the showings yourself - I'm guessing you're out of town?


Sounds like it will go quickly!

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