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Leslie Sansone Videos?

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Anyone use the Leslie Sansone videos? I am trying to find something to use on the days that I can't get outside and walk, however I don't want anything that is too easy (I'm probably at an intermediate level right now). I'm looking at these videos in particular (the ones available through Amazon Instant).


A couple of summers ago, I mostly walked (ran a little) and I loved the way my legs felt. I'm trying to get back there.


Thanks so much!

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I have one of her videos, but it's not on your list, it's a 5 mile challenge. I have found it very useful and versatile. From your list, I would recommend the ones that say "super", "power" etc. and not "start" (since you are not a beginner). The 3 mile would probably be good as well.


On my DVD, each mile lasts about 13 minutes, so you can do as many or as few miles as you want at a time. I usually only do one mile as a warm up before I do weight training, but you could certainly do 3 miles as a full workout when the weather is bad.


Since you're using Amazon Instant, you might as well choose one and give it a try before you buy more. Good luck!

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I like Power Mile, it's great when you don't have much time. You probably want light weights to use with it (1 or 2 lb).


The 30 minute one is good too, though kind of old. She has another 30 min one that uses weights that I also like, I think it's called Fat Burner Walk 2 Miles.


Another one you might like is Walk Slim, Fast Start (2 miles/35 minutes). It's newer and there are some intervals with jogging, but Leslie and most of the others do a fast walk instead.

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