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Dr. Hive I need your thoughts....

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Back in Janurary I started this thread:


Dr. Hive...question for you on my leg/knee - The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind)


I still have bump on the spot and it usually doesn't hurt unless I kneel on it (on a surface that doesn't have much give)....that is until today...all of a sudden today, it hurts when I bend my knee...the bump is directly below my kneecap, so when I bend my knee, the muscles in there are being used around the bump. Does any of that make sense?


Do you think I did something worse to my knee than I thought...or is is just going to be one of those weird things I will just have for the rest of my life??


I never saw a doctor...didn't think I needed to.


any thoughts for me??

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This is just an idea-- could it be a gangorous cyst? I probably have it spelled wrong. My mom has one on top of her ankle. They form suddenly by joints and feel odd, sort of jell ball. It doesn't seem to be a reason for great concern.

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