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MFW RTR question


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We are just finishing BP Ancients, and I am looking at MFW RTR. We love BP, but dd doesn't like the companion and I'm noticing that is where a majority of the cool history questions come from. I am looking at the possibility of just using BP maps, and going with the questions in the SOTW AG or switching to RTR.

Now for my question: Does MFW read through all of SOTW or do they just read certain parts? It's hard to tell from the sample pages they give online. It looks like they jump around. I'm also wondering if there are any samples to view of the student sheets/timeline they use?

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all of SOTW is read. MFW will finish a story at times... so order of SOTW chapters is blended with other books. I didn't not find it choppy in the order.


student sheet samples.. hmm.. I don't think they have them online. I know they have completed sheets at convention. they'll show a variety of students who did the pages.


this blog shows her students pages... you have to scroll on the weeks





timeline...here... try this thread on mfw board... of what my middle child did. you'll have to scroll on the pic... it shows from CTG RTR and EX1850. 1850MOD uses the SOTW timeline pieces.



or this thread with some pics


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In the elementary years, they include timeline pieces in the student sheets, and instructions for you to make your own timeline. IIRC, I think they suggest a couple of different ways you can do it. (But maybe I'm mixing up teacher notes in the manuals with things I've read online, like what Crystal posted.) I know they always offer at least one way to make the timeline, though.


So when my girls are younger, we just follow timeline instructions that Marie gives. But for middle school, my older two used the Sonlight Book of Time. I suggest doing a wall timeline, though, if you have the room, and just keeping adding to it through the years.


In high school, MFW provides a timeline book, and that's something that actually gets graded at that level.

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