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Do you love Apologia Astronomy

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I just posted about trying to find a secular equivalent to Apologia's Astronomy for my ds 3gr but the more I look at it the more fun it looks, there's projects, things to do, excellent information. My son loves science and last year was a bit light for him, I think he'd love something in depth. Does anyone use it and love it or is it more it's cracked up to be?

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My boys like Apologia Astronomy. They used it as part of HOD's RtR Guide this year (1st half). I kept it b/c I plan to use it with my younger dc as well (who might not get to HOD RtR anytime soon). If I had the book handy, I could check and see just how creation-based it is...but I can assure you that anything from Apologia is going to be young-earth creation focused. For us, that wasn't a problem b/c we share that POV. If you like the look of it, I would go ahead and use it. We have used more secular material for science and history in the past and in some areas I have had to "correct" information that we felt was not correct. In your case, you could do the same thing. Something like, "This author believes in God and that He created the world and everything in it in 7 literal days, but another POV is...." KWIM? My children, for instance, know "about" the theory of evolution but are TAUGHT the Truth of God's Word (our belief). Does that make sense? You could just use the opposite approach. :D I think your son would enjoy Apologia Astronomy FWIW.

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I just got this for my boys to use this coming year. I am very excited about it. It is very God based the first Lesson first paragraph says- The Bible calls everything up in space "the heavens." Everything up in the heavens is God's; it all belongs to Him, and it was all made by Him and for Him. The more we learn about all that is up in outer space, the more amazed we become at how perfectly God created the universe, which is the earth,planets,sun,stars and everything in space. the universe really does show us how sensational God is, and when you are finished with this book, you will be even more amazed than you are right now. It doesn't slow down any on the religious aspect in any of the other chapters or paragraphs. Even though we have not used this yet my kids looked through the book and they were excited and I have read a ton of great reviews for it. Good luck!

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