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geometry-need some opinions here

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hi- Looking for some ideas for geometry. My daughter is good at math-has finished algebry 2. We need to do geometry and I have beenworking through TT and not overly thrilled. It is so "dry"?doesn't seem to have real life application. If i want my daughter to "just get the credit" this will do it. But if i want her to appreciate it and see how it works in real life, than NO, there has got to be something else. or am I being too picky? thought? opinions?

I am not great at geometry-had a HORRIBLE teacher in high school so iwas looking for something more self teaching-or something i could learn along side her. I had considered Derek Owens (?) courses. Any other ideas


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I saw a new (at least to me!) high school math program at our recent homeschool convention.


Their geometry program looks really good and is designed for self-study in a workbook format. And at $65, it's fairly affordable.


I'll include the link below - click on "textbooks" at the top and you can view samples of the geometry program.



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Did you do TT for Algebra 2, or have you been trying TT Geometry? If you didn't use TT for Alg 2, what did you use?


Dd did Life of Fred, which is NOT dry, but you have to enjoy the humour. She did the 1973 Dressler along with it for some extra proof work & so she could name Algebra postulates, etc. We also have Birkhoff & Beatley text of Plane Geometry which is excellent, but didn't end up using it. I'm keeping it for my ds.


Dd is very mathy & is planning to do AP Calculus next year. She plans to major in math.


However, a great resource is to take it online with Jann in TX. I don't have her website in this browser, but she posts on this forum.

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