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Check our literature list for 7th grade?

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Here's the story - DD is a great reader - NOW! :-) A few years ago she hated it and only did it under duress. But she reads for pleasure daily, and most importantly, she considers herself a good reader. She reads a lot of fantasy and some historical fiction, but not much beyond that. She's currently reading The Lord of the Rings, and has read several other adult reading level books, mostly fantasy novels.


The past several months she has started showing a lot more maturity in her academic work, and we've talked about how in 7th grade she needs to start expanding the types of reading she is doing, and she seems ok with that.


So with that in mind, how does this look as a reading list that will gradually increase in difficulty, and at the same time introduce her to some other genres. My thought is to start with fairly easy books that are similar to what she already likes and gradually expand, so these are listed in the order I intend to use them. I could use a few more suggestions!! :-)



The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

A Wrinkle in Time

The Railway Children

Charlotte's Web


The Sword in the Stone

The Martian Chronicles

Flowers for Algernon

Tom Sawyer

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Murder on the Orient Express

Treasure Island

Thank You, Jeeves

All Creatures Great and Small

A Christmas Carol

Watership Down

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

To Kill a Mockingbird

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Red Scarf Girl

Great Expectations

(then a drama unit)

Arsenic and Old Lace

The Crucible

The Tempest (her choice, she LOVES the Helen Mirrin version of this movie)



Any additional titles that seem to fit in this mess of a list would be appreciated! :-) We're not following WTM history, so I'm not concerned about a particular era. Thanks!!

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I think it is a fantastic list! I wonder if The Railway Children might feel a little babyish to her? You are the best judge of course! But we listened to that last summer and I remember thinking it was younger than some of the other Nesbit books I'd read.


What about Anne of Green Gables? That is often a big hit with that age group. Maybe Little Women? The Phillip Pullman His Dark Materials series? the Anne McCafferty Dragonriders series?


And I know this might sound corny, but I attribute my own large vocabulary to reading lots and lots of Georgette Heyer novels in jr. high school! They are "Regency Romances" but in the Jane Austen school, rather than the bodice-ripper school ;). They are really great books, very clever, strong heroines, you pick up some regency england history, and lots of great SAT words.


Ahh, what a fun age, when you can start to share some of your favorite books with your daughter!

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