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2nd-3rd grade girls' book club ideas

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Little House? They also come in audio book format. We did this series around 4th-5th grade.


Magic Tree House? - some people hate this series, but we loved it. There are companion guides that goes along with some of the books. We incorporated history studies and food into our meetings as well as crafts.


We've done girls book clubs for a few years. 2nd-3rd grade can be tough since everyone seems to be at a substantially different reading level. At that age, I would read aloud with my daughter or listen to the audio books.

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We've done girls book clubs for a few years. 2nd-3rd grade can be tough since everyone seems to be at a substantially different reading level.




Do you have a particular theme or goal you are trying to work around? If not, you might try letting the kids help choose the books. At that age, both of my kids were pretty opinionated about what they would and wouldn't read. :glare: Feeling like part of the selection process helped their attitudes.


In addition to the books listed above, my current 2nd grade girl liked


The Secret School

The Ordinary Princess

A Lion to Guard Us

The Children of Noisy Village

The Matchlock Gun

Half Magic

No Flying in the House


anything by Roald Dahl, Beverly Cleary or American Girl


ETA: I'm curious about what you have planned. My 8yo wants to start up a book club, and I am looking for fresh ideas for the structure.

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The Littles

Ramona - my Dh has read all the Ramona books to DD and she asks him to re-read them frequently

Nancy Drew - if you have a particularly mature group of readers

Ben & Me - written from the perspective of Ben Franklin's pet mouse that lived in Ben's hat and apparently taught Ben everything he knew

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