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Just Starting Latin - 3 kids - Help!

Guest huyones

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Guest huyones

This year my 4th, 7th and 8th grader will begin latin. Any suggestions on what program to start each of them in?


Help me please! I was raised homeschoooled, have homeschooled my kids all along, but we are just moving from CM to classical this year.


My 8th grader is a text book concrete kind of guy, the others are more fun and creative if that helps! :)

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Low cost & easy - Getting Started with Latin. The author's follow up course, Linney's Latin Class, is free and very textbook-y.


I've heard great things about Visual Latin if you want a video course. I'm considering it because it works nicely with Lingua Latina.

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Another vote for GSWL. The Kindle version is $10, btw. You can read it on your computer or tablet. Hard copy is $20, if you want something you can sell later.


We've only just started it, but are really enjoying it. And it makes sense to me, who has never learned Latin. :tongue_smilie:

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