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Lack of encouragement

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I am a complete newbie to homeschool. I have two little ones so we still aren't going to be too intense with curriculum this year. I want my children to learn to read and then enjoy learning through play. However, my children's father (we are not together) is against homeschool and just waiting for me to decide public school is better :glare: and my family doesn't have much interest either. I come from a long line of public schoolers so homeschool is still a foreign concept. I am overly excited and can't wait to dive in and see all the things my children can pick up at home. I do find it lonely going through the process by myself. Anyone else suffering from lack of support or encouragement from family members?


On a good note, I haven't encountered the "I am ruining my children debate yet" so I am thankful for that!:lol:

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It sounds like you have a great attitude, and have caught the joy of teaching your own children. Don't let the nay-sayer's drag you down, the rewards are well worth it! When you get negative comments, sometimes it is best to smile, and say "I'm doing what I feel is best for my children" and walk away. Debates never end well!

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Sorry you don't have any family support! But you can probably get it in other places! Have you looked online for homeschool support groups in your area? On Yahoo, or on Meetup? I would suggest joining one of those. It may be good for you to meet other homeschool families in your area! I found that really helpful when I was first starting out. And, of course, this board was great, too! :D Not to mention reading every positive thing I could about the benefits of homeschooling!

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Online support may be all you have for awhile. I did. In our case, after the improvements started (my kids were already in school so they were compared with how they had been while in school), which didn't take long, I started getting more support, or at least, no negative stuff. In the end, you'll find supports, but you may just have to endure a period of difficulty first.

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I didn't have a lot of support from my IL's to begin with. As a matter of fact, even after all of these years I am still not certain what they think. They have gone from being negative to being silent.


Get support online, read books, and make sure you know why you want to homeschool so you have a well thought out response for the naysayers.

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My parents and other relatives thought we were crazy when dd was 4 and we were starting out. I didn't know anyone locally who homeschooled. Now she is 7. My parents brag uncontrollably to strangers about what a great job we're doing and how smart dd is. My mother-in-law law is always calling me to talk to stranger xyz she just talked to who wants to know about homeschooling and my sister-in-law and 2 other close friends have started homeschooling.


I know not everyone has this experience but for me the further we go the more family sees that it is a good decision and they support us.

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