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Figuring out WHICH books go with my Sonlight IG


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Hi everyone-


I purchased an OLD instructor's guide (1997) which came with some of the required books and I'm trying to gather the rest!


I'm having a hard time figuring out which books to purchase in some cases, would anyone know who the authors are?:

Bible - Never Too Small & One of a Kind

History - The War of 1812, Story of the Great Depression


If anyone has insight, I'd sure appreciate it.


I've learned my lesson - you just can't buy something that old that is incomplete!


Thanks in advance,


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I would list which core your IG is for. I didn't start Sonlight until after that but I think the higher cores used several Landmark books when I started. The history books sound like Landmark to me. Good Luck on your search!:001_smile:

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I'm sorry - I totally forgot to include that nugget of information!


I also kept meaning to get back on here to see if I had responses. Thank you to you for responding.


I will check out the link provided by 3peasinapod - thank you very much!



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I finally got smart and searched Sonlight's website (thought I had done that before). Never Too Small and One of a Kind are in a compilation with Stuck Like Glue called, Starting Strong!


Now I just need to figure out 1812 & Great Depression. I can probably just substitute with something else if I can't figure out exactly what they intended.


Thank you for your help.


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I prefer the older SL cores and have the same problem occasionally. What has worked for me is to use the Way Back Machine, an online internet archive, to pull up the catalog from the the the core was published. You can see the full list of books, and sometimes even the photos of the covers if you work at it.

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I prefer the older SL cores and have the same problem occasionally. What has worked for me is to use the Way Back Machine, an online internet archive, to pull up the catalog from the the the core was published. You can see the full list of books, and sometimes even the photos of the covers if you work at it.


Would love to know more about your preference for older cores? Feel free to pm me to not derail the thread! :tongue_smilie:

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Would love to know more about your preference for older cores? Feel free to pm me to not derail the thread! :tongue_smilie:


I like those from around 1999 or so {but I've never actually seen one earlier than that in person}, but I will use up to about 2004 if need be. Since I use SL as a secular program, I find these ones to be less biased than the newer editions and easier to secularize. I also prefer having the notes after each week rather than in sections through the IG - it makes it easier for me since we also don't use a typical 4 or 5 day week - we school year round 6 days a week but only use SL 3-4 of those days.


Plus I can normally pick them up much cheaper, and as a single mama cost is a BIG factor.

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I've never heard of that - I'll have to take a look. Thank you.


I prefer the older SL cores and have the same problem occasionally. What has worked for me is to use the Way Back Machine, an online internet archive, to pull up the catalog from the the the core was published. You can see the full list of books, and sometimes even the photos of the covers if you work at it.
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