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nursing toddler and pain question

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I have a 21 month old dd who has only been nursing before nap and bed for a long time. Probably since she was 12 months. I was kindof tired of nursing and she didn't really seem to want it, it seemed more like habit, so I decided Daddy would put her to bed and I'd time errands so she'd sleep in the car for naps. That was all fine and good for several days. Then, out of the blue, she wanted to nurse in the middle of the afternoon. And she's wanted to nurse in the morning a couple days in a row. Now I would be willing to not wean yet if she wasn't ready- except that I think I lost my milk during the few days that she didn't care because now I HURT. Like really, really HURT. Why does it hurt? Should I force the weaning at this point? What do I do?

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Whenever I've had pain like that it's because my cycle is starting up again after having had a baby... or there's a new one on the way. :) Neither would be a medical reason to wean but some women choose to wean when pregnant because it hurts & takes a lot of you.

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