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What do you do with your husband in the evenings?

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We struggle to keep enough room in our DVR by watching some of the many shows we record.

:iagree: I have about 6 episodes of NCIS recording every day. We're trying to watch it from the beginning.:tongue_smilie:



I think that DH is so spent after working, that he prefers to do mind numbing things like watch the tv. We don't generally have much to talk about...

That is definitely my DH. He works 13-14 hours most days and he's almost always asleep by 9:00.

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We each do our own thing (internet or our own reading) or we do something together like read (we read articles and stuff outloud to each other), watch a movie :lurk5: or something on Hulu like the Colbert Report, listen to music or radio shows together. Sometimes we have a sitter come at bedtime and then we go out together- hit a late nite happy hour for small plates, go to a music store, go roller skating or (more rarely) go to a cheap show.


2-3 times a month we pour a glass of wine and bust out.....the budget. We do all the finances together but I was going to lose it if I was the only person in the know on the state of our finances. With me at home and working PT from home, we do this more often because we have to be that much more financially prudent. About once a week we fold put away a lot of laundry because if we don't do it together, neither of us will do it reliably. If we had a dinner party or a lot of guests, we leave the mess in kitchen and tackle it together once the boys are in bed.


Also, frankly, we try to do THAT as many evenings as we can stay awake for it. :D

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same here. My DH works 2nd shift and isn't home in the evenings.


Me, too! Thought I was the only one. Hubby gets home anywhere between 10:30-12:30 on any given night. So after I put the kidlets to bed around 9:00-ish, I generally write or read. I've come to LOVE the time.


Once hubby gets home he's so pooped that we veg out with TV for an hour or two then hit the sack. If there's talking, he actually does most of it, but I'm so tired by them I'm like :001_huh:

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