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Could Candida die off explain my feeling yucky?

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I started to use coconut oil 3 or 4 days ago to hopefully help with my metabolism, weight loss and chronic fatigue/fibro. I am not having any problems with digestion or nausea, which I understand can be side effects. I've lost a couple of pounds since starting it, though I can fluctuate 2 or 3 pounds from day to day naturally, so it is hard to tell. But - today I've just felt yucky - a steady low grade headache, feeling draggy, achy. Could this be related to the coconut oil? I've read that coconut oil has caprylic acid that is anti-fungal and kills among other things, candida. Do you think this is a die off reaction? Or is this just "one of those things" that is related to my fibro?

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Last summer I did a serious anti-fungal detox taking caprylic acid, pro-biotics and cutting out all yeasts and sugars from my diet. After 3 days I had flu-like symptoms that sound just like yours. I read it is a fungal die-off which is a good thing. Your body is getting rid of the fungus in your system and as that fungus dies, it emits a toxin. Don't give up and eat sugar or bread or anything or you'll have to start over. Just tank up on water, sweat if you can (by being outside, even light walking, etc.) and keep the bowels moving. You may even get foamy diarrhea in the day or so. (TMI I know, but you asked!):D You will feel better in a few days. I haven't gone back to yeasts at all, and have very limited sugar. I have lost 45lbs and was finally able to run more than 3 minutes at a time - I'm now training for a 1/2 marathon. Before I had constant fatique and body aches. The detox of the fungus/yeast in my body has made a huge difference in my quality of life. You might start seeing some great results from this candida die-off in terms of your fibro symptoms. Some people do.

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Candida die off can definitely cause that. I'm sorry you have to go through that, but at least it means something good is happening!! :hug


My mom has fibro, and it was *really* had until she did the ALCAT food sensitivity test and discovered she was sensitive/allergic to over THIRTY things. Once she got her system clean of those she had *dramatic* improvement. If you haven't looked into food allergies yet, you might want to try that. The ALCAT can be ordered online, and I think you can just send in your samples to have them analyze them, too; you don't have to find a doctor to do it for you.


I'm new here, so forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know. :)

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