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Baffled by WIC foods

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Cool Whip isn't dairy. It's actually a petroleum by-product. Yep. Petroleum. It even says right on it "edible oil product." They remove the actual petroleum, which leaves a sludge that is used for making things like Vaseline and Cool Whip. I believe that somewhere way down on the ingredient list, they toss in a bit of skim milk powder, but that still doesn't make it dairy.
"Edible oil product" doesn't necessarily mean petroleum derived, although we were all under that impression when I was growing up in Ontario. Cool Whip's edible oils are mostly palm and coconut oils. The label clearly indicates vegetable oils.


ETA: The definition varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but it seems that "edible oil product" merely means not derived from any dairy source. The origin of the terms seems wrapped up in the history of oleomargarine.

Edited by nmoira
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In our area, breastfeeding is highly valued. Breastfeeding mothers get more food then formula feeding mothers, and they get a larger fresh veggie check.

Also all WIC participants get farmers market checks that they can use to buy fresh fruits and veggies.


I think it was established that it was a misplaced sign, but under no circumstances do they get Cool Whip. :D

I don't see petroleum on the Cool Whip ingredients though, what is it labeled as?


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