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Gingerbread Mama and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day...

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My day started off well enough. I didn't get enough sleep last night (insomnia is rearing it's ugly head again, it was sometime after 1 when I could settle down and fall asleep) but that's been a pretty constant thing since we came out to see DH at the beginning of May. I'm a creature of habit, disrupting it tends to take me a while to readjust...


So, anyway, less than stellar rest but the day got off to a good start. The kids ate breakfast while watching some history fluff, then played with ODS putting together some Lego Heroes while I cleared the table and got out school stuff. We managed to do grammar, math, reading, and caught a penguin documentary to tie in with a mini-unit study we are doing. They were really buckled down, well the older two, anyway. YDS kept running to the window to see if anything better was going on, asking about the neighbor kid, detailing his plans for the day when "school" was over... but he did manage to finish on time.


So, with school done for the day, I sent them out to play. Great, now I can straighten the apartment, read, plan a vacation for this fall, right? Wrong! First, in comes YDS. He tripped while running and ripped open his knee. Again. It was well on it's way to healing from the time he'd fallen and busted it open on the carpet divider. Scab was gone, blood was pouring down his leg. I patched him up and suggested he pick something quieter to do for a bit. Use the sidewalk chalk, something. Nah, all the kids decide to play cops and robbers. YDS and the neighbor child are on bike/scooter and DD and ODS are on skates. The ones on riding toys knocked into DD and somehow she hurt her wrist. Let me add here, she is a DRAMA QUEEN. Her wailing over a hangnail would lead you to believe that her actual finger was hanging, nearly detached from her hand. Neighbor child and YDS run up to tell me, I ask them to send her up, thinking this is likely a case of over dramatics. They say she's on the way up and go back out. She never turned up, I figured she realized there was going to be no fuss made and would rather play outside. Then ODS comes in and asks me to come down. Neighbor child's mother, who works in the medical field, has DD on the steps. There is an ice pack on her wrist, the neighbor is examining the arm/hand, and DD proclaims she's about to pass out. So...we haul her into neighbor's apt and my neighbor says she thinks it might be a sprain, probably not broken. I bring her upstairs to have her lie down, give her tylenol, and put ice on the wrist. She screams that she is going to black out/vomit/die...then I let her watch Glee on her Kindle and she is suddenly much better :glare:


I start back to work on the apartment. DSs and neighbor child come in, hungry. I fix them PB sandwiches and tell them to pick something to watch quietly (to h*ll with screen time LOL) and decide to fix DD and I sandwiches, as well. DD eats half hers, then calls to me that it's just bread :confused:. I forgot to put PB on hers, so I fix her another. Then I go to put the lid on the jug of water (we buy distilled water b/c the tap water is groooosss) and it's a lid for a smaller water bottle and it drops into the jug. Oh well, it wasn't on a bottle someone drank out of....we probably won't die if it floats in the jug. The apartment is less messy than it was when they went out, but not by much. Laundry is still dirty. I now have two kids with boo boos to deal with, and still concerned about DDs wrist so I need to keep an eye on that.


Thank goodness my neighbor was able to assess the situation, because I probably would have paid for a trip to urgent care out of sheer hysteria.


I'm just hoping that I can make it until the kids go to bed without further drama. Oh, and DH thinks he may have to work late. Fab. Just fab.

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I wish I could say it got better.......LOL


DH arrived home late, announced he needed to go see a sick co-worker. He made a pit stop to the bathroom where the toilet almost overflowed. He said "Just don't use it til I get back, I'll fix it." Dude, we have ONE bathroom. I just texted him and asked that he hurry home, some of us need to pee :tongue_smilie:


I was going to take myself off to Target when he got home, but I've decided not to risk it. Who knows what travesty may befall me if I actually leave the house.

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