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How long is too long to expect him to sit

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I read non-picture fiction to my 1st grade son (almost 6 years old) for about 20 minutes a day. I can read picture books to him for much longer, but without pics, he is really unable to focus beyond the 20 minutes. The books are on the 1st grade recommended read aloud lists from Sonlight and several other sources. Should I read more often at those intervals or just keep it at 20 minutes daily for now till his attention span grows? I want the books to challenge him, but I don't want them to overwhelm him. Do you think this may be an indication that he is overwhelmed by the texts chosen? He answers questions well and is beginning to narrate. He remembers where we are in the plot line well. His enthusiasm is weak . . . not negative, just weak. Is listening carefully to 20 minutes of a challenging read aloud too much for him at this point?

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I would consider what times during the day you are trying to read. My ds7 does best early or late. I often try to read aloud during breakfast and I read to him in bed. During the day there is too much distraction for him.


I think about 20 minutes is just right for this age.

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If I read aloud during the day (it's most often at bedtime while they're in bed), I allow my dc to move around or play, but quietly. They absorb a lot even when it doesn't look like they are even listening. My DS will quite often roll around on the floor like a log, or be practicing his "ninja" moves while I read - and I don't care as long as he keeps his mouth shut and his ears open.


20 minutes is good for that age.

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Twenty minutes is great at that age. My son is eight and he's just getting to 15-20 minutes. I allow quiet activities like clay and coloring to tame the wiggles.


:iagree: During our read aloud time, the boys can do any quiet activity. They've even learned to do silent pokemon card battles. :lol:


During history, they can draw or color, as long as it' quiet. They've never had a problem telling me what I was reading (when I thought they weren't paying attention).


My 12 yo will lounge on the couch and listen for as long as I read. But he's weird. He did that even at 1. Seriously. Ds9 is a more typical, wiggly soul. I even let him bounce on an exercise ball.

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