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Singapore Maths Std Ed - Question?

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I am using the Standard Edition of SM for both my kids 1A and 2A.


We use the HIG, Textbook, Workbook, Challenging Word Problems (CWP) and the Intensive Practice (IP). But, I just noticed that the IP is part of the US Edition and also in the Scheme of Work, in the beginning of the HIG, a book called Extra Practice (EP) is used.


I guess I first started using IP because it was recommended on this site and I have just looked at the samples of the EP and they don't look as good as the IP book.


Should I stick to the IP even though it is part of the US edition? Or, change to EP so that it follows along with the scheme of work set out for us and the set of Standards edition books that we are using?


Thanks heaps :001_smile:

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We use the IP book with the standard edition. I usually just take a peek ahead of time and see what we have covered. Many people use the IP book for the earlier grade (so if their child is in 2nd grade math, they use the 1st grade IP book that year). In that case, they would know that everything has been introduced. I usually just ask ds to do a page of the IP and a page of the CWP each day and let him choose which pages.

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We use the IP about a half-level behind where we are in the SE text and workbook. The IP then functions as a review, and is completely independent for my older daughter. While she's working in it, I can get one-on-one time with DD5.


For now I'm using the EP with my younger one, who is in 1A, for those times when she just needs a bit more time to absorb a concept or to review it. I will probably no longer use the EP once she gets to 1B (or even the latter part of 1A), because by then she, too, will be able to use the IP independently for review. The EP has problems in it that are on the same level, or easier, than the workbook, and just doesn't have the same value long-term, IMO.


I haven't used the tests at all. I just treat the review sections as tests. I feel like I'm on top of where my girls are at without the tests, and am not yet looking to prep them for more formal testing.

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Thanks for your reply, Lynnita.


I've read before that the IP is used a level or half a level behind, why is that? Is it just used for review on concepts covered 6-12mths ago or is it a bit too hard for the students to apply new concepts on?


My DS completed the workbook, then the IP and then CWP with Level 1B, we didn't have too many problems but I definitely found the CWP required alot more of my time and the IP probably the same as the workbook (not so much).


I'm curious what other people do . . .. . :001_smile:

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We use IP also. The EP would not be necessary for us, as we don't need more practice at the workbook level. The IP will have some problems that are workbook level and more practice at a slightly harder level, then the take the challenge sections are usually more difficult. Some of those problems are downright hard. I know I had to look up an answer or two in the 2A IP. :tongue_smilie: I haven't used the 1A/1B IPs and didn't get them for my student that is about to start 1A. He'll be K, and I don't think he'll be ready to do "more work" than what's in the textbook/workbook quite yet. I have the IPs from 2A/2B, so we'll start them then.


I don't use the tests. Like you, I use the end of semester exam each time we finish a book. I think that's plenty for testing purposes. I can tell what my son is doing inbetween by looking at his reviews and practices.


I use the IP a little bit behind where we are, mostly for review purposes. If we were to do the same topic in textbook, workbook, and IP all at once, it would be way overkill. What is in the textbook/workbook is enough for my son to master the material, and the practices and reviews are good reinforcement (we're just doing the review in the textbook now, not the one in the workbook). Using the IP a few topics behind gets him some review at a harder level than what he first mastered. That works well. We don't use it a full grade behind though. We're just doing a semester behind right now (doing IP 4A while in the middle of textbook/workbook 4B).

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The EP books have some teaching info, then some problems for each section. I got them for a few years in the hopes of not needing to buy Spectrum math workbooks for extra practice problems, but I don't think the EP books have enough practice. Their practice problems are on the same level as the workbook.


For next year, I got the tests. They are more expensive since they're in two books rather than one. They don't have any teaching, just an A and B test for each section, then a chapter test A & B at the end of each chapter. One test is multiple choice, one is open-ended. I don't intend to use them as tests - I plan to use them for extra practice. We'll see if it helps.


I would NOT replace IP with extra practice or tests. IP is at a much higher level than either EP or tests. IP is essential to me - but there have been some topics that my son just needed more drill on. That's where the EP (now tests) and Spectrum workbooks come in.

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I think it's about what your specific child needs, not what you "are supposed" to do.


For my DS8, we just use concrete examples first, then the text, then the workbook and IP book, (we use the US Edition, which according to people who have tried both US and Standards, and a few who have only used Standards and not actually tried the US Edition :lol: has a lot less review than Standards) and that combo actually has way more problems and way more review than he needs already. We use the IP book on pace with our studies, not behind, but we do end up having to skip problems in both the workbook and the IP book here and there, because at least in the US Edition, there are just way too many problems-- it's just overkill by the time he has gotten the idea and practiced it to death and there are still problems left over.


For us an "Extra Practice" book would lead to math hatred. Other kids have different needs and they should definitely do what works for them.


We use the Workbook reviews as interim tests if I have any questions about whether the material has remained solid, but since everything in Singapore is under constant review the way the topics build up, review is not an issue in the way the program is built up. (It may look like the sections are discrete-- mastered and discarded until next year, but they are not. The material mastered is used in subsequent sections, assumed to be known in order to be used in word problems and other calculations).


So, my advice would be . . . add in the extra books IF you child seems to need them. Do not add them in if the only reason is because you are fearful that you think this is something you are "Supposed" to do. If your child has seemingly mastered a topic, you load in extra work "just to be sure" and he suddenly starts bombing, that behavior could be a sign of boredom, that you have overloaded the practice problems. You might want to either back off, or do what some of the other posters have tried, and stagger the extra practice a bit-- move on to another topic, and do the extra practice on an old topic later if you still think it is needed (for some kids, it is, and they should get it).


Make sense?

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We use the IPs with the Stds edition. I use them a topic behind our current topic in the textbook for review and to go deeper. We dumped the EP books because they didn't add anything to the text/workbook for us. However, we do use the tests books. You don't really need the tests, as you can use the reviews and practice sections as tests. I like them as I often find they contain some additional interesting problems (unlike the EP books). Also, they are typically pretty short, so they don't take a lot of time to do. Many times, if we don't start out our math session with a mental math drill, I will have a test sheet or quick "quiz" for dds to do before we move on to our main lesson. But, again, if there are some extra books you'd like to eliminate, the EP would be my first choice, and then the Tests.

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Thanks for your reply, Lynnita.


I've read before that the IP is used a level or half a level behind, why is that? Is it just used for review on concepts covered 6-12mths ago or is it a bit too hard for the students to apply new concepts on?


My DS completed the workbook, then the IP and then CWP with Level 1B, we didn't have too many problems but I definitely found the CWP required alot more of my time and the IP probably the same as the workbook (not so much).


I'm curious what other people do . . .. . :001_smile:


I use the IP a half-level behind because it provides an independent, but deep and challenging, review. I don't think it would be too hard for her to do on-level, but if I did the IP at the same pace that I did the workbook/textbook, we'd probably both be heartily sick of the same math topic! By using the IP as review, she gets to review a topic several months after having first been introduced to it, and it seems to work really well for her.


Like you, I've found that the CWPs are parent-intensive. I scribe many of the solutions for my daughter, as she's still not up to a lot of math writing. So far I've been doing them a little bit behind where we're at in the text/workbook; however, now that we're in Level 2, I feel that she's ready to work on-level with them.


The additional books are part of the beauty of the SM program, in that they provide the flexibility to deliver the type of program that works for both the parent and the child. If what you are using is going well, then it sounds like you've found the right mix of books!

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