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Mathematics Made Meaningful? Miquon? Something else??


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My older boys are way weak at mental math & not at all adept at handling addition & subtraction facts in the teens. It has gotten somewhat better since I switched them over to Math In Focus (Singapore) a couple months ago. Lots of manipulatives are a plus for them.


For next year, though, I want to add in c-rods but I don't really know how to teach math that way. The kids will be in 3rd, 2nd, 1st & K. Would Miquon be best? Or Mathematics Made Meaningful? Or something else?? If Miquon, where would I start the older boys?


I planned on using Math In Focus as our spine, and I'd like something that would compliment that. I was going to use Horizons along with (perpetual review) but maybe it would be better to go with a second program that is big on mental math, since they are weak in that area.

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I bought c-rods to use with my rising Ker and PKers in the fall. I also bought MMM since I still felt intimidated by Miquon, and didn't feel able to throw enough together with rods on my own. I needed direction. Yesterday I watched the videos that the PP posted, and I'm now feeling excited, confident, and like MMM was probably a waste for me. Those videos are RICH! My plan for PK/K is to do c-rod play and activities a few days a week along with MEP reception. I figure at some point down the road, I'll try to figure out Miquon.:lol:

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Do they really "get" place value? Dd has trouble with adding above 10 too, and it turns out she doesn't have a full handle on place value. I pulled out the place value section of Miquon (starts in the Green book) and that is really making a visible change in her understanding. Love Miquon!!

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