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Homeschooling in India

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A friend of ours may be moving, short-term, to the city once known as Madras, India. She is considering homeschooling in order to take advantage of travel opportunities.


I've looked and can't find information that says homeschooling is legal. But it doesn't seem to be illegal either. HSLDA's site had nothing at all.


Anyone here know anyone who homeschools in India? Thoughts? Suggestions?


Thanks in advance. If anyone knows anything helpful, it will be the folks on this board.

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I would think she would be governed by the laws of America, since she is American, and the American Embassy might be able to tell her more. If not the Indian Embassy, in NY, might be able to help. I would try them first, actually, but I am assuming she is a US citizen, and that should make her fall under US jurisdiction. In that case she might have to file something with the American gov when she goes over to show that she is educating her child herself.

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To be honest, I'm dreading it. But dh got transferred to India from France, so at least we're out of France and back here in the U.S. for a while. We'll be south of Madras. My dh says there shouldn't be any problem for homeschooling in India. Like one of my friends said, India has bigger problems than worrying about homeschoolers.

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I posted a link to this Yahoo group before, it's for people homeschooling in India. There is an impressive number of members, and it is a very active group.




From this group I know that there are many homeschoolers in India, and that technically it isn't illegal to homeschool (for locals or otherwise). I think your friend should be able to find answers to any of her questions there...





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I would think she would be governed by the laws of America, since she is American, and the American Embassy might be able to tell her more.


Actually, I believe that education is more complicated than just your citizenship. It depends on the country you are in and why you are there. For example military members stationed in foreign countries may homeschool their children because issues such as education are worked out in the various negotiations for living in that country. However, a US citizen working in another country may still be subject to education laws in that country. It goes beyond just your citizenship.


Maybe some of the folks on the board who are in such a position could shed some light on this issue.

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Actually, I believe that education is more complicated than just your citizenship.
This is true. If you take residency in another country you are subject to their laws. However, as a previous poster said, if I was moving to a developing country I wouldn't worry too much about it because they have bigger problems than worrying about whether your child is in school or not.
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you are bound by the laws of the country where you are a resident. Military bases are sometimes special cases, but for all other ex-pats are subject to the laws of the country where they live. I don't believe your friend will have trouble HS/ing in India as education is a privilige in most 3rd world countries.



Deb, a Yankee in NZ

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