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Dragon Software vs Windows: Honest Opinion

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So, I've been doing what I can to help my (strongly suspected) dysgraphic 2nd grader. I heard about speech recognition and thought it sounded ideal.


After reading a reviewer who claimed that Windows' voice program worked just as good as Dragon, I thought we'd try Windows first. Well, my DD's voice throws it for a total loop. (She does have minor speech issues.) We did some of the training exercises to help the program understand her better, but it just got worse. It's not the microphone, either, as it understands me just fine. Maybe she's just not able to read the training script clearly enough, I don't know. But she can dictate a ten-line paragraph of text and it will only correctly type two words.


Now I'm wondering if Dragon is a better choice, or whether we'll have the same problem. Any opinions on whether it's worth it to give Dragon a shot? The frustration has really taken the shine off the concept for her, so the thought of spending money for more of the same doesn't thrill me. If we can get her up and running, though, I'm happy to shell out to do it.

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I have a student who has been trying to make the windows voice recognition work (the OT works on it with him..an assistive technology evaluation recommended the windows) and The OT reports that it is not going well. They've tried a new microphone, too. We've not used Dragon. We're going to an assistive technology conference this summer and really need to find a solution for this student (limited use of his hands...so it is crucial). I'll be watching this theead

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We gave the windows software a try -- didn't work very well. Then we switched to Dragon. The sales rep on the phone said that the windows software doesn't have the technology that lets it "learn" what you are saying like Dragon does. I have to say, Dragon has worked much better for us. Hope this helps!



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Have you looked into whether voice recognition software works with children that young?


But to answer your question. Windows Speech-to-Text doesn't work nearly as well in our hands. With Dragon we get about 80-100% accuracy depending on who is using it.

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Have you looked into whether voice recognition software works with children that young?


A lot of dysgraphic kids are using it and my DD is nearly 9, so I figured it should be an option. Maybe it's older kids? It's sounding like Dragon works better, though, so maybe we might give it a shot.

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