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Has anyone made a logic stage ...

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I made one about 3 years ago but it didn't last too long. That organization method just didn't sit well with us I guess. At first I didn't like but then I re-read that portion of the WTM and decided it that it did sound like an interesting way to organize the work. It also sounded like it might be another method of helping my dd sort thru all the info. So I made the notebook for my dd and discussed with her how to use it. We got thru a few weeks but it just didn't feel right to us. When we reviewed, we couldn't just read thru her work chronologically. We read thru it by subject. Looking at the section of maps made less sense to us. And there were some sections that still didn't have any work in it yet.


Anyway I like how it sounded when I read WTM but it just didn't work for my dd. It might have worked for my ds but we've switched focus since then.



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history binder with the nine sections like in WTM? I am nervous about moving from grammar stage history into logic stage!! Does anyone put info from their dc binders on their blogs. Photos?


Hi Jane! Waving from down the road apiece.....


I'm starting in a couple of weeks with the binder set up this way. I liked what WTM said about that, that the student would be able to go through his papers and read through his own written history of great men and women, or the history of cities, or the history of inventions and technology. However, I realize that not all of those sections will be filled to the brim. I guess I'll aim to have ds pick from a variety of topics to write about, but I realize that he will like certain topics better than others, and that's OK. I'll expand his horizons, but I'll give him leeway at the same time.


I'm a little nervous, too, because this is new for me! But I think I'm set for now with a plan, which of course will get tweaked along the way.....

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No, we just put all the history info in as we do it, chronologically. When we review it just makes more sense to us to see the whole unit (maps, outline, paragraph on Julius Caesar, coloring page) all together. Sort of a snapshot of the chapter so-to-speak.

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butting in with a heads-up....When we did our brief soiree into History Odyssey, I noticed that they asked for more, but shorter, reports - whereas I was asking for *all* of the writing to be about one subject.


Also, that's when I noticed that the original Kingfisher Illus History of the World actually has small "biography" boxes for important men and women - an average of 3 sentences each. I'm thinking I'll be using those as examples - shoot, I might even just use them as copywork. I'm not sure that the KHE has this - it *might* be in the captions?


So anyway, this year my fifth grader will be writing shorter, but more, reports. I'm really shooting for well-organized paragraphs.


Another fwiw - the KIHW has extra sections labeled much the same as the notebook sections (Inventions, Technology, Religion, Daily Life). I think the KHE has this too. We're using SOTW as our spine, and I'm having trouble fitting these in - but, if KHE is your spine, then I wouldn't worry about adding to those sections in the notebook until you get to those sections in the KHE.

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