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Omnibus 1 VP questions

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I am looking at the Omnibus 1 program for my ds. We will also attempt to do CC Challenge B at home (not all but using some of the resources). I have TOG but feel like I'm all over the place with it. What exactly is Omnibus? Is it just a guide to the books that are recommended for reading or is it an actual "history" program? I'd love an explanation of how it works before I invest in yet another program.

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We used it for 9th and 10th grade. I totally second Janice's idea to really look at the book before buying. You read an essay to introduce the Great Book the first day. It's usually about 10-20 pages and gives some backround info, info about the plot, and also sets up some philosophical/deep questions that you are going to explore during the reading of the actual GB. Then, each day you have an assigned reading in the GB. Along with that, you have some sort of work in the text--comprehension questions, worldview comparision between the GB and the Omnibus text, bible readings and discussion, writing assignments based on progymnasmata, etc. Very rarely, there's an activity. So every day, you do something from the GB and something from the text. YOu also read in Spielvogel's Western Civilization text book.


Really, you can get an excellent feel for it by looking at the sample.


Oh, and the dvd that contains the teacher's manual is really pretty much just the entire Omnibus text with answers to the discussion questions and other assignments in a different color.


It was very useful for us; it was my first year homeschooling, and I was glad we used it. We didn't do the progym writing, we didn't read all of the secondary lit (ds had already gone thru Narnia and we didn't want to spend time doing that, for example) and we added in a few of our own works to cover some of the theology (we added in two of Paul Little's books on basic Christian beliefs, and also Ben Hur and Quo Vadis, as they are good Christian books and compelling stories).

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