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CLEPing courses rather than traditional high school courses

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Has anyone had their student CLEP some of the elective and/or basic college courses while in high school, instead of taking traditional high school courses?


For instance, not do a HS US History course, but study for and take the CLEP US history exam instead?


I'm not sure how this would work credit wise though. I have no idea how this would work or even if it could. Just an idea I am tossing around after reading the college cost thread on the general board...

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I make a course around the CLEP, but many don't do that.


If they know the material well enough to pass it, then, pending purpose, that is usually good enough.


As always, refer to your degree plan and the degree issuing college for irritatingly important details.:tongue_smilie:

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I recently talked to someone who is doing exactly that. It appears to be working well. She took an extra English credit before she started coordinating things with a degree/college in mind. She is planning to do 3 or 4 over the summer. The whole idea definately appeals to me!

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