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Teaching Textbooks vs Saxon Algebra 2 question


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Hi~ My son, who isn't a natural at math, is getting ready for Algebra 2. We have been using Teaching Textbooks but he would like a curriculum w/ more repetition ( not to mention that the tutor's voice gets on his nerves -- did he put a clothespin over his nose or something?). Seems like Saxon would do that, from what I've heard and read. What I like about TT is that the solution for every problem is demonstrated on the cd-roms. What I don't like is that it seems to give very little practice in new concepts before testing, and then the test problems are harder than the few the student has gotten a chance to practice with the lessons. I am NOT a natural at math so having the cds to explain things has been great...for me. Apparently they just aren't enough for my son. He is practically crawling through geometry.


Any words of wisdom from those who have used both or have a good amount of experience w/ Saxon? Thanks!



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