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Teachers Cabana (aka Lounge)!

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Hello, all!


It's that time of year again! It's hot enough here to open the Cabana!


NOW HIRING: Cabana Boys! Must be 18 or older! If you know of anyone that want to apply, let them know we're hiring! :D


What's the temp in your part of the world these days? Here it's already in the 100s! Ugh.


Summer vacation plans anyone? Not yet, but I'm working on it.


Taking summer break from schooling or plowing right through?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Scrap! I was just thinking about you and was wondering how you were doing.


It is 81 degrees here today. It is in all the news because we don't get temperatures that hot in our very temperate climate here! We have very low humidity though so it doesn't feel that hot.


We will be going to at last one summer camp.


Sigh. We're plowing right through on the schooling. I don't think we'll ever get done (wail!)

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It's been in the upper 80's to low 90's here - we've had a lot of rain which is holding the temps down thankfully.


School is.....eh. I'm strongly considering chucking the rest of 1st grade {i.e. all but the first few weeks we actually did school} and just going on to 2nd. I'm just trying to figure out how exactly to do that and make sure dd doesn't have gaps in what she has picked up this year unschooling and by using educational software due to family circumstances and 2 deaths in the family. I *think* she is ready to go into 2nd in everything except perhaps handwriting, and we could easily just continue in that book. I feel bad about not getting her Girl Scout stuff done - we might do a Girl Scout summer and just do a patch a day or something.


No summer vacation plans here - it's just too hot. I know sometime in August we'll hopefully be going to Six Flags here, and other than that we'll be doing visits to Morgan's Wonderland and the local Children's Museum.

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Today it was kind of cool (low 70s) in comparison to what it has been. It also rained and stormed all day. We needed the rain since we were already in a moderate drought, so no complaints here.


As for school, we'll end up taking the month of June off and the first week of July. We'll be traveling to visit my college roommate in Colorado. On the way back east, we're going to head south to the Dallas area so our boys can see where dh is from originally. School will resume in August with a 3rd/4th grade split. By September, we should be doing 100% 4th grade work (I hope!).

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