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Which Mandarin?

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If you want to swap at a later date, it will mean relearning a lot of characters. I have done this twice (started with simplified in Mainland China, moved to Taiwan and learned complex, moved back to Mainland China and relearned simplified. I don't recommend it.


Given the economic power of Mainland China, I'd learn simplified.



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Thanks! Is the spoken language more similar?


The difference between Taiwan and mainland spoken Mandarin is akin to the difference between New England English and Texan English: it's a question of accent and some vocabulary, but it's essentially the same language. The two Chinese regimes have only been separate for about sixty years, after all.


The difference in the written language came about due to a specific policy to make literacy more widespread in mainland China under Mao, by making the written language easier to learn.



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Guest beebor

I did simplified, and although languages are my thing, it was hard enough to learn. Why make it complicated, when the simplified Mandarin is what most people write and speak?

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