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History question

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Looks like I won't be able to afford a Sonlight core this year :crying: so I need some help putting together some readers and supplementals for history. We would have used core G(2nd half of world history). I decided to use MOH instead of SOTW so I can include my soon to be 8th grader in this. Is it possible to include my soon to be 10th grader in this and use the older student activities for him? I will also be including soon to be 3rd,5th and K'er into the mix as well. Oh, we will be using the 2nd and 3rd volumes of MOH.

Thanks in advance for your help. :001_smile:

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Looks like I won't be able to afford a Sonlight core this year :crying: so I need some help putting together some readers and supplementals for history. We would have used core G(2nd half of world history). I decided to use MOH instead of SOTW so I can include my soon to be 8th grader in this. Is it possible to include my soon to be 10th grader in this and use the older student activities for him? I will also be including soon to be 3rd,5th and K'er into the mix as well. Oh, we will be using the 2nd and 3rd volumes of MOH.

Thanks in advance for your help. :001_smile:

I am using MOH with a high schooler. He is learning so much since the older activities are geared to research. We added in some SL readers that were in core G. He is enjoying it, actually said it is the first history curriculum that has not put him to sleep.

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I don't know how much you have to spend, but could you afford to buy the absolute essentials of Sonlight G to get you going for the school year and then pick up the rest as needed via Amazon?


I know SL seems to indicate you can't save money by buying from other places, but my experience has been that you can order MOST of their titles (except SL exclusives) through Rainbow Resource for several dollars cheaper per book. It adds up substantially. Sometimes you can get an even better deal used on Amazon (but factor in the shipping!).


I can afford to shop around as I have more time than money!:D

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I don't know how much you have to spend, but could you afford to buy the absolute essentials of Sonlight G to get you going for the school year and then pick up the rest as needed via Amazon?


I know SL seems to indicate you can't save money by buying from other places, but my experience has been that you can order MOST of their titles (except SL exclusives) through Rainbow Resource for several dollars cheaper per book. It adds up substantially. Sometimes you can get an even better deal used on Amazon (but factor in the shipping!).


I can afford to shop around as I have more time than money!:D


Also, used cores can make it cheaper, and you can get used books on Amazon for as little as $4. I'm doing Core D for about $100, including the cost of my used core. I don't know how Core G compares, as far as library usage goes though.

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Which books would you recommend from Sonlight to go with MOH volume 2? Especially for the older two.

We have only used MOH Vol. 1, but will start vol. 2 soon. The SL books I have picked out to go along with it are:

Adam of the Road

Catherine Called Birdy

Leonardo DaVinci


Mary, Bloody Mary

The Samuri's Tale

Son of Charlemagne

The Great and Terrible Quest

The Hidden treasure of Galston

Master Cornhill

The Shakespeare Stealer

A Single Shard

King Arthur: Tales from the ROund Table


This list is picked for a boy. I will also use many of the books MOH has on their book list. These are not hard reads but then I am not looking for them to be, it is the story/info and the idea of the times that I want him to get from these.

Edited by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole
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For that 10th grader you could pick up an inexpensive used copy of the BJU 10 World History. That way he has something to bring it up to his level while still being parallel with the MOH. My dd is rising 8th and she likes the way it's written too. I've been debating whether we'll start with it this coming year alongside our geography or save it for 9th. Either way, something to look into.

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We have only used MOH Vol. 1, but will start vol. 2 soon. The SL books I have picked out to go along with it are:

Adam of the Road

Catherine Called Birdy

Leonardo DaVinci


Mary, Bloody Mary

The Samuri's Tale

Son of Charlemagne

The Great and Terrible Quest

The Hidden treasure of Galston

Master Cornhill

The Shakespeare Stealer

A Single Shard

King Arthur: Tales from the ROund Table


This list is picked for a boy. I will also use many of the books MOH has on their book list. These are not hard reads but then I am not looking for them to be, it is the story/info and the idea of the times that I want him to get from these.


Great! Both my soon to be 8th and 10th graders are boys and I have quite a few of these books on this list! Now I'm getting excited about this :001_smile:

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Great! Both my soon to be 8th and 10th graders are boys and I have quite a few of these books on this list! Now I'm getting excited about this :001_smile:

I had MOH on my shelf for years and just never used it. This past fall I was unpacking all our books and realized I had so many history books fiction and non but we never get to them so I figured why not do MOH and use these books as extras. Also figured my ds would not care he never enjoyed history. He loves it now. He even works ahead, asks for his MOH schedule first thing Monday morning, and is constantly telling us neat info he picked up while researching. He does not even mind all the writing he is doing....lots of paragraphs and 1-3 page reports. He recently learned PREZI (?) and presented some of his research that way. Hope it will be like this for your boys...it has me excited seeing his love of history blooming.

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