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IEW :: AFF or SW1?


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I love AFF! But it does require you to teach the material yourself and it serves as a gentle an fun introduction to IEW. The SWI would have the DVD for the teaching part but you would till need to work with your child on the assignment. Personally I prefer to do the teaching myself and AFF is so much less expensive than the SWI so actually I think it's a matter of preference. Do you want to do the teaching? Have you watched some of the TWSS? Do you undrstanf the terminology and methodology of IEW? Then AFF would be fine. But if you would rather have a "teacher" then the SWI would be the way to go.

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Have you watched some of the TWSS? Do you undrstanf the terminology and methodology of IEW? Then AFF would be fine. But if you would rather have a "teacher" then the SWI would be the way to go.




We decided to go with SWI B because it is giving me several months to learn the teaching method through TWSS.

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I'm fine with doing the teaching myself. I haven't however watched the TWSS video. It does seem from the AFF sample that the material is relatively self-explanatory and I feel fairly comfortable teaching writing at this level. What do you think? Doable?

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They were informative. I didn't have any "aha" moments. However they did a great job of explaining things/terminology. Also i felt that the TWSS was more helpful on the longer and more challenging units. I am a licensed teacher (not that that makes any difference) and have taught at the elementary level--all grades--for about 13 years. IEW just makes sense to me. I really hate to say that you dont need the TWSS or that you would have the same success because you might not. I do think there might be some foreign language in there (sentence openers, dress ups, etc.) might not make much sense. So I guess you could try it knowing that in the long run you might need to see the TWSS. Is there anyone you could borrow it from?

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I went through TWSS last summer and tried to do AFF on my own, but i feel that my ds would like the videos much better. I'm probably going to be doing SWI-A in a group setting next year. I'm not sure I could have ever taught AFF without going through TWSS.

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We started with SWIA and then used a history IEW, my children asked if there are more videos of Andrew. We are now doing SICCA.


I believe they enjoy his upbeat attitude and humor as well as having me HELP them rather than teaching them.

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