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Help me figure this out

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I'll try to make a long story short. I was raised Jewish, married a Catholic and decided to try and make things easier by converting to Catholicism. Some things didn't sit right, but I figured over time I'd become used to it and everything would be great. Dh is basically Catholic in name only, we rarely attend mass, but his parents (who are also my children's God-parents) are very religious and have helped to teach the children their faith.


Lately, I've been feeling like my Jewishness is trying to get out. Like I've been hiding it for years and it's bubbling up. I don't know if that makes sense. Dh and I have been watching those genealogy shows on tv and there have been quite a few Jewish people on lately. It's been making me do a lot of thinking about my heritage and that of my children. They really don't know anything about Judaism and that makes me really sad.


I feel like I'm not supposed to bring this up...like it's going to cause problems in my family if I do. Part of me wants to take some time, a year maybe, and go to synagogue, celebrate the Jewish holidays...get back to my roots. Teach my children these things. Then take it from there. I'm just afraid that it will cause problems with dh, with my children--I don't want to confuse them. I don't want to make my IL's upset. But right now...I don't know. Being Catholic just feels wrong. Like I've been wearing this costume and it doesn't quite fit right.


Please...tell me what you would do in my situation?

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Do you want your children to be religiously Jewish or just culturally Jewish? Right now it appears according to your post that you are culturally Catholic (with Grandparents who are trying to teach your children religious Catholism). If you seek to teach your children cultural Judiasm then I think you should just do it, you don't need any sort of permission because it is teaching them a part of your culture. If you desire the religious part of Judiasm then I would talk to your husband about your feelings and see what works best for your family. As for your IL's they may have their thoughts and opinions about religion but this is your family and you and your spouse are in charge of the religious (or lack of religious) education.

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Jesus was Jewish. I think if you explore your Jewish roots it would actually help understand the origins of Christianity. Our pastor's father was Jewish and so our pastor will often talk about aspects of the Jewish faith to explain things in both the Old and New Testament. I think it would be a blessing to your family if you did that.

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The short answer: your ILs and family can go hang in this situation.


The long answer: your life path is something that should be personal and meaningful to you. It deserves the acknowledgement and self awareness from you, and the respect from your immediate family as you try to find inner peace. However, just because it deserves respect doesn't mean that it will automatically happen. You may have to resort to "bean dip" after explaining your decision to your extended family, and several heart-to-hearts with your own as you find your way.

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Study the Jewish rots of Christianity... how the feasts (? brain not cooperating for me today) were fulfilled by Jesus. Best of both worlds- you get to rediscover your heritage, and the children, DH, & in-laws can enrich their knowledge.


Some quick links to explain what I mean...







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The short answer: your ILs and family can go hang in this situation.


The long answer: your life path is something that should be personal and meaningful to you. It deserves the acknowledgement and self awareness from you, and the respect from your immediate family as you try to find inner peace. However, just because it deserves respect doesn't mean that it will automatically happen. You may have to resort to "bean dip" after explaining your decision to your extended family, and several heart-to-hearts with your own as you find your way.


I think this is a wonderful answer.

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