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S/O Thermography or Infrared Mammography

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The thread about mammography got me wondering. I've heard a lot of people talking about thermography, where they basically take an infrared image of the breast, completely non-invasive and a whole lot less uncomfortable. But is it as accurate and reliable? Anyone had this done or researched it? Is it a viable alternative to standard mammography?

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I started using thermography last year (41yo). You have to have a baseline to start with. A thermogram can show possible problems developing much earlier than mammography. I have irregular vessel patterns and some temperature variations. So we are keeping a close on things. If something doesn't seem right on the thermogram you can then decide if you want to do further testing.


The nice thing is that if you catch it early before cancer develops, you can use preventative means instead of reactive treatment.


I think much of whether they are accurate or not boils down to the person taking and reading the thermogram pictures. If someone is skilled and experienced it can be an awesome tool.

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A thermogram can show possible problems developing much earlier than mammography.


Wow, I did not know that!


I think much of whether they are accurate or not boils down to the person taking and reading the thermogram pictures. If someone is skilled and experienced it can be an awesome tool.


I guess that will be the next step: finding someone in my area that truly knows how to do it.



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I'm 44 and most likely will not have a mammogram for a while. Hopefully. Unless, of course, if I see a need to. I do daily self-checks and try to have a thermogram once a year. I've had one so far. There were some heat irregularities, but nothing to be really worried about. I love thermograms and spent a few years researching the pros and cons of mammograms, thermos, etc. This is often a very controversial subject. This is what I decided for me. Everyone needs to make their own decision that seems best for them. There are quite a few threads here on this.








and lots more. I've posted on these threads with all the info that I came up with on my research. I can post it all again if you wish. Let me know if you have any more questions.

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I've posted on these threads with all the info that I came up with on my research. I can post it all again if you wish. Let me know if you have any more questions.


I should have searched before posting! Thank you so much for the links. :001_smile:

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I should have searched before posting! Thank you so much for the links. :001_smile:

Greta, you're most welcome. :grouphug:

I'm glad that you didn't search before posting. I like seeing threads like this from time to time. Good reminder for us all, plus, hopefully others might post also. :)


The center was so nice and woman oriented. It smelled good and was so calming. I wish every doctors office was set up this way.

Carol, :iagree:.


I wound up finding a lump last month and went in for a mammo/sono and it was big cyst.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



The screening wouldn't bother me if they didn't have so many freaking false positives. It seems like everything gets biopsied as well. I don't like that approach. Some are fine with it, I'm not. Just because you catch something early does not mean the outome is better. Some "cancers" are precancers and never turn into anything but they are so quick to treat instead of watching.

This is my personal bugaboo. I don't mean to diminish anyone's cancer survival story. Everyone must make up their own minds and take your health into your hands.

This. :iagree:


Thank you. I'm going to look into this.

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Sorry for my very delayed rely -- I didn't have much time to spend here over the weekend.


I really didn't want to be radiated on an already cancer prone area.


This has been one of my concerns as well!


I made up my mind after reading a TON (internet and books) that I would not go back unless something came up. I wound up finding a lump last month and went in for a mammo/sono and it was big cyst. I probably won't go back in for another couple of years.


:grouphug: I'm so glad it was benign. What, if anything, do they do about cysts?




Thank you!


Greta, you're most welcome. :grouphug:

I'm glad that you didn't search before posting. I like seeing threads like this from time to time. Good reminder for us all, plus, hopefully others might post also. :)



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I'm just adding this link because it's current news and I thought it would add to the discussion. I have no personal opinion (yet). :001_smile:


Thermography is only a tool. If there are irregular findings, the individual must decide if and what further testing to get. I would not use a thermogram in place of a biopsy if there were tumors shown. (And I use thermography exclusively at this point as mammograms do not make sense to me.)

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Thermograms have been around about as long as mammograms. They have been well tested over the years, but mammograms give better results based on the science.


Mammograms are far from perfect, especially for pre-menopausal women. But that's what we have now. Digital mammograms do a better job at detecting breast cancer with a far less radiation dose compared with film mammograms.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thermography is only a tool. If there are irregular findings, the individual must decide if and what further testing to get. I would not use a thermogram in place of a biopsy if there were tumors shown. (And I use thermography exclusively at this point as mammograms do not make sense to me.)

:iagree: with this.

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