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Why do people think personal fundraising is OK...

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There are more and more people telling people they want cash at their wedding--I was taught that you tell people what to give you may make suggestions if asked, but you don't demand.


This has trickled down to birthdays.


And today I read the post about requesting random people to help with summer camp costs. However this is the first time. I've heard of people making such random requests for sports or school tuition.


I thought you were to live within your means and budget for things you wanted. Sure other people get to go the exclusive camp. I wish my kids could go, but I won't beg people on the street and I don't want to teach my kids that they have some entitlement to camp and begging is an acceptable means to fulfill the entitlement.


As for the personal fund raising, if I'm asked to just give money, I'll tell the asker that I'll give to him/her when he/she funds my kid at something. If the kid is selling cookies or has a lemonade stand I'll buy from the kid.


How did this behavior start. Are children being set up to believe they should always just have what they want no matter the family circumstance. What does this say about our culture.

People who put requests for cash in their wedding invitations get a nicely wrapped manual can-opener or some other inexpensive kitchen gadget or the like from me. I'm spiteful that way.


I don't mind the registry for birthdays and holidays too much. If the kid is registered and I ask what to get for a gift then get directed to the registry cool. If I get an invitation to a party with registry information, I get something not on the registry. Again spiteful that way.


I know that if one receives an invitation to a birthday party or wedding (not the reception) one is supposed to bring a gift. I also know that expecting a gift (or specifying a gift) in a social no-no.

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DD and ds are both 'gifted' with ds leaning more towards the higher end of the spectrum. Dh and I cannot afford to send them to all of the camps and things they are invited too. The scholarships they're offered defer some of the costs, but once uniforms and transportation are figured in... it's not as much as it seems. Now, my family has NO PROBLEM saying we're holding the kids back/down, letting their potential go to waste, etc. Thankfully, they put THEIR money where their mouths are.


Oh, it must be so cold and lonely up there at the top glaring down at us bottom feeders.


I don't know why people are so scared to seek assistance, I don't know why people would rather go hungry than seek help. After all, we're such a giving society. We care so much about each other's needs. I don't know why people feel guilt when they have to sign up for gov. aid. It couldn't possibly be because they'd be called greedy. As long as it's government aid, it's okay. Then it's just tax dollars that come from random places. As long as they don't ask their family or friends for help..... Sheesh, that's just tacky!


As far as ASKING for cash instead of presents........ well, if they were asked what they wanted and they wanted cash, then isn't that just being honest? Should they hedge around and say.. paper that is worth a dollar amount?



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