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So many catalogs: When will it end?

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We moved into a new house 3 weeks ago. The previous owners get about 3 catalogs in the mail EVERY DAY! (they come to "Jane Smith or Current Resident" so they don't get forwarded). The first few days I tossed them in the recycling. Now I've started calling every catalog and asking to be removed from the mailing list. I'm spending about 15 minutes a day on this!


I looked up the direct marketing association. It looks like my only choice through them is to create an account in the previous resident's name. I am loathe to do that - it seems wrong. When I make the phone calls, I'm not really lying or pretending to be them - I just say something like "Can you please take Jane Smith off the mailing list?"


Ugh. Will this all be over in a month or so?

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Ugh. Will this all be over in a month or so?


Probably. You might find that some catalogs are seasonal (like seed catalogs), and many put out an issue just before Christmas, so you might have lingering surges now and again.


Many companies purge their lists pretty quickly when no purchase is made, so if it's taking too much time you might want to wait and see if they slack off on their own.


Do you have a neighbor who would enjoy the catalogs? Older folks sometimes like to just browse through them.

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I don't remember how long it took, but it did eventually stop. I don't know how long companies send catalogs to people who aren't purchasing from them. I just threw them away. If I received anything that looked like it might be important, I just used a red pen to write 'Addressee Moved' and put it back in the mailbox. I never thought to contact companies about someone else. I guess you could just call and say that person has sold the house, no longer resides there, and left no forwarding address.

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