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Need creative class ideas

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I have a friend who is trying to get her son graduated by 2014...he is a little behind and is finishing up some 9th grade work. He has a learning disability in writing, which makes some things more difficult. They are also very limited financially.


What I am looking for, to help her, are some out of the box ways to get him through the credits he needs to graduate. He would like to go to a bible college eventually. I think he needs 13 credits through our umbrella school, and has to take the basics.


I think we are going to try to go with lit. based courses for English. I am going to try to help them through math...He is currently being tutored but they really can't afford it.


A website listing various course descriptions would be helpful for his mom as well. I have one (from Indiana PS I think) but any others you know of would be great.

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Well just a word to the wise if he's thinking Bible colleges, suggest she include some grammar as part of his english if it's not already solid. Even go back and do something like Shurley really quickly if necessary or Winston. There's nothing worse than showing up in a Greek class at the Bible college and realizing your grammar isn't solid.


She can check, but the Bible college may not care about course descriptions. English 9, English 10, etc. will suffice. Where I worked they expected to see units and a year marked for the class (1994, 2003-2004, whatever).

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