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Citalopram and bloody stool? (TMI, maybe)@

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I started taking 10mg citalopram a month ago and have several bloody stools. I also find that I have more #2 in a day than usual. The bright red blood is not much. However, today, I had moderate to huge amount of bright blood that reddened the whole toilet. Sorry about TMI. I do have hemarrhoid but that bleeding is different than what I have now. I know one rare side effect of citalopram is bloody stool, which I did not have 4 yrs ago when I first took it. So what do you think this is and have you ever experienced this with citalopram? I may see a doctor tomorrow.

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I take escitalopram, which is almost the same thing, and one of the possible severe side effects is stomach bleeding. Definitely get yourself checked out. I'll say a prayer for you.


I appreciate your prayers, Kristen! I will definitely go to the clinic tomorrow. I called my doctor's office and they said she will call me today or tomorrow.

I had another #2. There was still blood, but much much less than earlier.

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