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My crazy person stories while we wait for an update from the stroller lady and

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the rude dinner guest.


About 10 years ago I met a mom at my son's TKD school. She seemed nice enough and we slowly got to know each other. Turned out we went to the same church so I'd see her there too.


As time went on I started to notice things that were a bit off. For example, I brought a library book to TKD one night to read during class. She saw the book, grabbed it out of my hand, and proceeded to read it and demand that I let her take it home. :tongue_smilie:


Time went on and I began to spend less and less time with her. She was constantly telling me what I was doing wrong yet she'd do the same things she was lecturing me not to do. I just plain got fed up. When she told me one Sunday that I was taking some of her kids for the afternoon and I had the audacity to question that she screamed at me. That's when I decided enough was enough and I was through with her except for "Hi/Bye" type situations.


Well, last spring my son died. Her and her husband came to our house that night to see how we were doing. I was in so much pain and shock that before I knew it, she was in control of a lot of things.


A few days after the crash I was heading to the high school for a meeting with the theater kids about how they were going to honor my son at the funeral. Before I left BC showed up with this huge shower chair. She said, "Oh, I meant to leave this here the other day but I forgot!" I told her please, no, I don't need or want a stinky, dirty, shower chair. She said, "It's for you to sit on in the shower and let the water run all over you! It's so soothing!" I said no again but she ran past me, into the house, told everyone in the living room what she was doing, ignored their open mouthed stares, and ran it up to my bathroom.


During the funeral she then yelled at a friend of mine to "Go home, we don't want your kind here!", tried to lock the same friend out of the church, took my son's Eagle certificate and wouldn't put it down when my mom told her to, and yelled at a friend for bringing us donuts and coffee.


A week after the funeral, after everyone had gone home and we were still in shock, she showed up with a huge bag of crackers. "Oh, these have been sitting in my car for a week but they are from the funeral so here they are!" and ran them into my house. I said no, please, take them, you have six kids, please. Nope. She wouldn't hear about taking them with her. I told her, "Take the shower chair please!" and showed it to her outside on the patio. She looked at it and said, "No, I'm not taking it!" I convinced her to take a cat instead.


Found out later that she had conned a cousin into giving her her FB password so she could get onto my son's FB page and see his pictures, see things he wrote, and post on his page. She printed something he wrote intending to read it at the funeral which would have devastated us and his friends who were with him in the crash. She also used pictures of him as her FB profile picture. She also got on our FB friends list. I had to go in and unfriend her, her children, and the cousin to keep her from doing more. Then told cousin that if she wanted me to refriend her to please not give BC her password again.


Every once in awhile I will get a text from her asking if she can come over. She showed up once uninvited but I didn't answer the door.


She doesn't get why people just don't let her run their lives. Everyone knows that if she was in charge the world would be a better place you know!

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Holy cow! What a loon.



I once spent three hours on a greyhound bus watching a crazy guy try to stealthily lick the head of the woman sitting in front of him. She finally figured out what he was doing and went off on him.


Ten minutes later, he was at it again.

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I'm so sorry about your son- and how you handled this crazy lady while grieving, I cannot imagine. Just reading your story made me want to meet her so I can smack her. Some people...sheesh. I guess you can be thankful that she's not part of your family- wouldn't it be awful having her around for every holiday????

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:blink: That's just a special type of crazy... How awful for you!



I once spent three hours on a greyhound bus watching a crazy guy try to stealthily lick the head of the woman sitting in front of him. She finally figured out what he was doing and went off on him.


Ten minutes later, he was at it again.



Not going to lie, watching that would have totally made my day... but I have a slightly twisted sense of humor.

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Wow, reading that twisted my stomach in knots.


I have a nutty neighbor. Her son and my daughter don't get along. Unfortunately, he's the apple of his mama's eye, and not in a good way. She corners anyone who will listen to talk about her special snowflake, which sadly, is sometimes in front of her younger son. So after my then-11yo the son had a falling out, she proceeded to tell all the neighbors they should be careful because Sarah was breaking into houses at night and stealing food :confused:

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