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I am really struggling with MM!


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I went ahead and purchased MM when it was recently on sale. Dd is in the 5th grade book and I am starting to wonder if she needs a calculator.


Here was the problem:


Mary jogs 7/12 miles each day, five days a week. Calculate how many miles she jogs in a 52-week year.


Dd worked this problem by multiplying 5*7/12=35/12


then 52*35/12


then 1820/12

finally 151.6 miles in the year.


The solutions manual has it as

7/12 × 5 × 52 = 151 2/3 miles


I cannot figure out how MM works this problem. I see that the answers are very close, but I am struggling with explaining how this was worked to dd.



Edited by Juniper
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It looks like the same answer to me, only one is expressed as a fraction, and one as a decimal. So your daughter reduced it to a decimal, and the author left it as a fraction.


I could be mistaken, but offhand that is what it looks like to me. So, if she subtracts the 151 whole (or 1812/12) miles from the total of 1820/12, she would have 8/12, or 2/3.


Long answer short, she got the right answer, she just expressed it differently.

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1820/12 is right. Don't convert to decimal, just simplify the fraction.


1820/12 = 151 8/12 = 151 2/3


Okay, I see it. I am going to show this to her so she can see the extra steps. I like MM for the most part, but I do miss having a teachers manual. :D

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