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Life of Fred Elementary-- reviews please


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We love it here! My son is actually closer to your son's age, and we still started with the Elementary series... the math part was of course really easy for him, but he really enjoyed the quirkiness of Fred. :) We're working on Farming now, with the intention of finishing elementary and moving into Fractions next year in 4th.


Shipping is free, so you can always get just the first book or two and give it a try!!

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We love it here! My son is actually closer to your son's age, and we still started with the Elementary series... the math part was of course really easy for him, but he really enjoyed the quirkiness of Fred. :) We're working on Farming now, with the intention of finishing elementary and moving into Fractions next year in 4th.


Shipping is free, so you can always get just the first book or two and give it a try!!


Where can I order it with free shipping?

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I would definitely start by ordering 1 book and see if it appeals to your son. Miss P *loves* Fred, we started with Apples back in November and are about to finish Honey now. Her assessment: "Fred makes math fun!" My assessment is that it is a very weird series, and parts of it I like and parts really piss me off ('scuze my French). Mostly the odd calousness to death (of pet goldfish, of building janitors) which is kind of disturbing. The math teaching is excellent for a verbal kid who loves to learn by reading stories and/or who really needs to understand *why* things are the way they are, or who needs a context for their learning.


I love the fact that very advanced algebraic concepts are introduced, very casually, from the very beginning. Neither of my daughters (9 and 5) are remotely intimidated by alegebra or variables now, it has just been a matter-of-fact part of their math learning.


So if your kid likes Fred, it is an *excellent* math supplement. If he doesn't, let it go. Not all do.


BTW, Miss P just asked me if she could drop TT and do Fred Fractions as her independent math on Fridays (we'll finish the elementary series together as a read aloud/mental math exercise). I was delighted that she asked to do this - we both felt that she wasn't learning much from TT, and Fractions is intended to be done by the student independently, as a transition to "learn by reading" and greater independence. The fact that this came from her made me really happy. Fred has been a great asset here.

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We use CLE too, I think we're on Book 107. My son adores Fred. He wants to read it at bedtime and at school time. We once did three chapters in a day and my son wanted more. I think it's a great compliment to CLE.


I'm even thinking of getting a couple more copies of Apples to give to my in-school nieces and nephews.

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My kids loved the fun stories but as far as learning math....I wasn't impressed. It just didn't have nearly enough pratice. As a supplement, fine...as a full curriculum, not so much. Did it help them see WHEN you use math in real life, sure...but at the price it was, we stopped and I started doing that for myself for free. But this just goes to show you that not every program is good for everybody.

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