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If you eat raw or ever have, even partially, can you plz give favorite recipes?

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I did some raw back in January and felt really good. I dropped it due to time constraints, but I'm deciding to eat one raw meal per day (besides our daily green smoothie).


I just need some good tried and true raw recipes that are yummy and realistic to do in daily life.


I have a list of raw websites and even books, but it's SOOO overwhelming that that makes me want to give up. So I would just love to have some of your favorite recipes to try! Thanks!

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I went through a phase of raw truffles and these are pretty good:


Raw Vegan Lemon Poppyseed Truffles :)


Inspired by Lisa’s recipe here.


  • 3/4 cup almonds
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1 cup Medjool dates, pitted (unnecessary, I thought.)
  • 2 tb lemon juice
  • zest of one lemon
  • 3 prunes (make sure they’re [dare I say it? dreaded word] moist. Also, you can use two more dates instead if you’d rather)
  • 1 tb poppyseed
  • pinch salt


  1. In a food processor, pulse the almonds and cashews until finely chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until well combined the mixture sticks together.

Don't include dates unless making for a sweet tooth.

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green smoothies were (and are) my favorites.


Do you do raw baking? I make Jiliano's guacamole recipe from his book RAW. They go great with raw corn chips. I'd put frozen corn, peppers, zucchini, tomato..... I think that was it-- I haven't made them in forever-- in a blender. The spread them on the sheet of a dehydrator and 'bake' them.

His oatmeal cookies were really good too. My kids would eat those as fast as I could make them. Kale and egg plant chips can be made by soaking them in braggs then dehydrating them.

You could make stir fry veggies by marinating veggies in Braggs and olive oil.

"Egg salad" from avocado. Avo taste like anything you put with it. Avo with coconut oil, agave, and cocoa makes a good fruit dip or pudding.

Banana icecream. I buy bananas that are very ripe at a discount. There's a store that bags them up and marks them down. I peel then freeze them. They're ready for icecream or smoothies.

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