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Gift ideas for daughter leaving home...

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Our 19.5yo dd is leaving home to take up a nanny job on the other side of the country. Her luggage allowance is 23kg, and carry-on luggage of 7kg, which she has pretty much already reached.:tongue_smilie:


I don't have any clue what to get her, and I've asked her what she'd like, but she said she doesn't need anything. I could give her money, but I keep thinking that's a bit boring. It would be something to consider if all else fails, I guess.


I have no price limit in mind - I'm happy to spend quite a bit, but my main thought is that it would be something special to remember what she was given when she started her independent life! Jewellery will probably come to mind, but she doesn't wear it, except for a watch.


I'd love any and all ideas!:D

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