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DH's bark is worse than his bite (not a vent)

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So, I have 2 cats that are outside cats that are about 7 months old. One is a girl and DH said I had to get them fixed (which I planned to, really I did...life got in the way...ooops!) Well, now the darn cat is pregnant. DH just said last week "That cat better not have babies or I will dispose of them all." yikes! Well, yesterday I went outside and pet the cats before going to work. Lo and behold she felt very round and her bOOks are large and pink. I dreaded telling DH and didn't want him to dispose of the cat. I called the vet and made an appointment to talk about spaying a pregnant cat which they said they can do but don't like to. All night I had anxiety and a headache thinking about those kittens and their fate.


Well, I told DH today "I think the cat is pregnant. I made an appointment to get her fixed on Monday." He asked what they would do with the kittens. "I told him they would abort them with fixing her unless you think she should have them." He said "Yes, she can have them but you can't keep any of them when they are ready to go." Obviously his bark is worse than his bite. Big softie!!!

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You can call local shelters and rescues and see about getting BOTH cats fixed AND the kittens. Often you can find places that will do this much cheaper than the vet and fixed kittens are much easier to rehome than unfixed kittens.


We live in the country and have a little hobby farm so we get cat drop offs, etc. so we have done this a few times. I think they will do momma and the kittens when they are about 6-8 weeks old.

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