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Quick help of Facebook!

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I've only been on for a couple of days, and I joined a group that I've been asking questiong in (for Amazon sellers...not that it matters.) I was on my son's FB acct. a few minutes later, and I saw my question to the group I'm in showing up on his news feed (I think that's the right term). I don't want all my activity in that group to be broadcast to everyone I'm friends with on facebook, but can't find anything on my privacy settings to control what I post in groups and who it's visible to. Help?


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Wow, really? I mean, I don't have anything to hide on this group at all...I just don't want all the people I'm friends with to have to keep reading about it every time I post in a group that I'm sure they're not remotely interested in. Makes me not want to post at all!

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Yep, it has to be a CLOSED group. That means the posts will only be seen by those group members. I'm super careful about checking that, and won't even post to a group unless it's closed (cuz most of my groups are homeschooling related, and I don't need all my FB peeps knowing my business about homeschooling).

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