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Tell Me About IEW SWI-B

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There was just an announcement on our local support group's e-list about a lady who will be running writing classes based off of IEW's SWI this fall. DD will be in 5th grade and so the class she'd be in according to the announcement would be level B. I've always considered IEW rather overpriced but this class is IMHO a decent value since it would include the feedback on DD's writing from the instructor.


DD is currently slowly working through the first part of WWS, but I'm really thinking that I may need to shelve that after week 11.


What can you kind ladies tell me about SWI-B?

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Well, we just started a few weeks ago using this! They start out with keyword/outlining (which my dd struggled with, but is somehow getting the hang of it with IEW methods!) and then move on to fused outlines for reports, etc. You might want to pop over to the IEW website and look at the samples under Student Writing Intensive B, because it has a scope and sequence. I love that the tapes teach the lessons and they move pretty quickly into things like using stylistic techniques, different types of sentence openers, etc.


I think this might be a nice break for you if your dd is not ready yet for WWS.....


Good luck in whatever you decide! For me, my daughter came out of ps this year and had meltdowns when asked to write a report or essay. So, she's in the "reluctant writer" category, and IEW has been a blessing for us. Also, in using IEW, they give the paragraphs (similar to WWE/WWS) to analyze, so the child doesn't have to come up with original material yet, but IEW's philosophy is to use reading materials below the reading ability so that the child can focus on implementing the writing techniques.



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We've used SWI-A and one thier theme-based books. There methods gets pen to paper quickly, starting with creating keyword outlines of material provided to retelling that same story using the outline, but in the writers own words. After that there are a number of different style patterns that are introduced and included in the assignments.


The knock is that the writing can sound odd due to the use of several different tools in each paragraph. Keep in mind, as the student matures they should be able to decide when it's appropriate to use each tool and will not include every single tool in every paragraph. Many detractors overlook this.


We use it along with WWE. I'm hoping to continue with WWS but it sounds as though that will be too much.


On cost, the IEW material has a strong secondary market. I just saw there spelling program go used for 70% of new. I follow the used market closely and that pricing is not unusual. Also, if you try their material and don;t like it, they will refund your money 100% and that includes shipping. YOu do have to buy from them for this and there is no time limit. You can complete the program and decide it didn't meet your goals and they will issue a refund.




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